By: Shelby Sanko, Heidi Zapotocky, Nicole Buehrle, Jenna Gombeda, and Kayla Samec
1.Simple 2.Stratified 3.Pseudostratified 4.Transitional 5.Glandular
Simple = 1 layer 3 Types Squamous = flat Cuboidal = square Columnar = column (rectangular)
Diffusion, filtration Found in air sacs of lungs
Secretion and absorption Found in kidneys, ducts and ovaries
Secretion and absorption Found in digestive tract and uterus Contains goblet cells
Secretes mucus
Stratified = Multiple layers 2 Types: Squamous = flat Cuboidal = square
Protection Found in skin and mouth
Absorption and secretion Found in ducts
Contains goblet cells and cilia Found in air passages and reproductive system
Stretchable Found in bladder
Exocrine glands Exits the body Secretes substances Endocrine glands Enters the blood stream