Reproduction AsexualSexual Method of reproduction in which the offspring receives 100% of its genes from one parent Method of reproduction involving offspring receiving genes from two parents (50% from mother; 50% from father)
Cell Reproduction MitosisMeiosis Cell division resulting in 2 identical diploid daughter cells Cell division resulting in haploid daughter cells (gametes)
Cell Reproduction Oogenesis is the production of eggs Occurs in the ovaries Spermatogenesis is the production of sperm Occurs in the testes
Male Reproductive System
Primary Sex Organs: Testes (testicle) Also called male gonads/sex glands Produce sperm and male sex hormones In pairs, located in external pouch called scrotum Penis Transporting & supporting structure Consists of shaft and glans penis Contains 3 cylindrical masses of spongy tissue that expand with blood to produce an erection
Female Reproductive System
Primary Sex Organs: Uterus (womb) muscular organ under pelvic cavity. Site for menstruation Also, where a fertilized egg may implant or fetus may develop Ovaries (female gonads) Produces eggs and releases them during ovulation Secretes estrogen and progesterone Connects to uterus via fallopian tubes