Connecting to the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics- Assessment Tools for Student Success Anton Jackson, OSPI Sandy Christie, Puget Sound ESD Ken Marks, Tacoma Schools February 27-28, March 27-28, 2013
Welcome to the SBAC Item Writing Workshop Please… Get some refreshments Rate yourself on your knowledge of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and the SMARTER/BALANCED assessment writing process using the sticky dots Find a seat Make a name tent Introduce yourself to your table mates
Workshop Goals Gain an understanding of the variety of SBAC task types. Apply a process similar to one used by Smarter-Balanced Consortium to produce classroom-based formative assessments aligned to the Common Core State Standards. Develop knowledge and skills necessary to use formative assessment data to influence instructional change. How would we use these? What is the nature of student conversations around these items? Participate in an online community sharing assessment items.
Today’s Goals Identify similarities and differences between familiar item types and test structures and the SBAC assessment structure. Understand and use the item development process and relevant guiding documents. Understand CCSSM and Practices shifts Write items for content coming soon in your classes Analyze items for Depth of Knowledge
A pre-assessment This assessment is designed to get you thinking about similarities and differences between assessments you are familiar with and the structure of the SMARTER/BALANCED Assessment Consortium (SBAC) assessments being developed
Analyzing the pre-assessment Which item structures would you classify as ‘traditional’? What are the characteristics of these items? Which items would you classify as ‘new’ or ‘non- traditional’? What characteristics make these items different from the others?
Evidence Centered Design- Assessment Claims in SBAC Assessment Primary Claim 1: Concepts and Procedures Students can explain and apply mathematical concepts and carry out mathematical procedures with precision and fluency. Primary Claim 2: Problem Solving Students can solve a range of well-posed problems in pure and applied mathematics, making productive use of knowledge and problem-solving strategies Primary Claim 3: Communicating Reasoning Students can clearly and precisely construct viable arguments to support their own reasoning and to critique the reasoning of others. Primary Claim 4: Modeling and Data Analysis Students can analyze complex, real-world scenarios and can construct and use mathematical models to interpret and solve problems.
Item Types in SBAC Assessment Selected response-SR Multiple choice Extended multiple choice Constructed response-CR Extended response-ER (A CR item as part of a performance task) Technology enhanced-TE Performance task-PT
Item Codes in Intro Assessment Item 1: MAT.HS.SR.1.00FIF.K.082 Subject.GradeLevel.ItemType.Claim.ContentDomain.Target.ItemNu mber
Item Codes in Intro Assessment Item 1: MAT.HS.SR.1.00FIF.K.082 Item 2: Traditional Item 3: MAT.08.CR F.E.135 Item 4: MAT.08.TE.1.000EE.C.200_V1 Item 5: MAT.08.CR F.F.090 Item 6: Traditional Item 7: MAT.08.TE.2.000EE.A.145 Item 8: MAT.HS.ER.2.00SID.C.264 Item 9: MAT.08.ER.3.000EE.A.139_V1
Anton Jackson An overview of the SBAC Assessment System The nature of the MSP/EOC & Smarter-Balanced Assessments The life of an item Key features of item writing to which classroom teachers should be attending
Test and Item Specifications Standards Item/Rubric Reviews Item/Rubric Development OSPI, WA Educators Contractor WA Bias/Sensitivity: OSPI, Contractor, WA Citizens * Content Reviews: OSPI, Contractor, WA Educators OSPI, WA Educators Expert Consultants Operational Item Bank Operational Range Finding Operational Scoring Reported Results Pilot Item WA Educators, OSPI, Contractor Scoring Contractor OSPI, Contractor WA Educators Pilot Item Range Finding Pilot Item Scoring Pilot Item and Data Reviews Item Development Process
Guided Item Writing for Claim 1 Standard and Learning Target Assessment Claim Depth of Knowledge Difficulty level Distractor selection
Analyzing Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Level 1: Recall Level 2: Skill/Concept Level 3: Strategic Thinking Level 4: Extended Thinking
Analyzing Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Either individually or with your writing partner, analyze the depth of knowledge of the item(s) you’ve written so far. Cite evidence from the item and language from the DOK chart to support your conclusions. Exchange items with an author (or author pair) and analyze each other’s items using the DOK chart. Discuss your analyses and try to come to consensus.
Guided Item Writing for Claim 1 Standard and Learning Target Assessment Claim Depth of Knowledge Difficulty level Distractor selection
Evaluation and Looking Ahead Day 2 Overview Write items for Claims 2 and 3 Writing rubrics for CR items Intro to the Item Review Process-Bias and Sensitivity; Accessibility Implementing your items, homework for next time
Connecting to the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics- Assessment Tools for Student Success Anton Jackson, OSPI Sandy Christie, Puget Sound ESD Ken Marks, Tacoma Schools February 27-28, March 27-28, 2013
Welcome to the SBAC Item Writing Workshop-Day 2 Please… Get some refreshments Find a seat Make a name tent Introduce yourself to your table mates
Workshop Goals Gain an understanding of the variety of SBAC task types. Apply a process similar to one used by Smarter-Balanced Consortium to produce classroom-based formative assessments aligned to the Common Core State Standards. Develop knowledge and skills necessary to use formative assessment data to influence instructional change. How would we use these? What is the nature of student conversations around these items? Participate in an online community sharing assessment items.
Today’s Goals Write rubrics for Constructed Response items Understand the Item Review process Bias and Sensitivity Accessibility issues Write items for Claims 2 and 3 Select items to give to students between now and next session
Claim 2-Problem Solving Sample items from the zip file docs MAT.08.CR.2.000EE.A.133 MAT.HS.CR.2.OAREI.A.032
Claim 3-Communicating Reasoning Sample items from the zip file docs MAT.08.ER.3.000SP.B.134 MAT.HS.ER.3.OAAPR.F.045