Water: Its Important! Mr. Ellis
Do Now Why do you think water is important? What does it do for you? Why do you think water is important? What does it do for you?
How Much Water? So, the planet is made of 70% water, that means that we have SO much? Right? So, the planet is made of 70% water, that means that we have SO much? Right? Well, not necessarily. Well, not necessarily. Although we have a lot of water, not all of it is readily available for use. Although we have a lot of water, not all of it is readily available for use. A lot of this water is trapped. A lot of this water is trapped.
Question 1 Write down how you think the water is trapped? Write down how you think the water is trapped?
Ocean Water Approximately 97% of all water is found in the Oceans of the world. Approximately 97% of all water is found in the Oceans of the world. Is this water usable*? Is this water usable*?
Question 2 What does usable mean? What does usable mean?
Salt Water 97% of the Earth’s water 97% of the Earth’s water We cannot drink this water, or use it to water most plant life. We cannot drink this water, or use it to water most plant life. We can only use this water if we use a very expensive process called Desalination*. We can only use this water if we use a very expensive process called Desalination*.
Fresh Water* 3% of the Earth’s water 3% of the Earth’s water We know that we can drink fresh water. We know that we can drink fresh water. But there’s still some problems with fresh water. But there’s still some problems with fresh water. Some of it is trapped*. Some of it is trapped*. Let’s find out how its trapped. Let’s find out how its trapped.
Most Fresh is Frozen So we have 3% fresh water. But most of this is trapped. So we have 3% fresh water. But most of this is trapped. Most of the fresh water is trapped in Ice. Most of the fresh water is trapped in Ice. This includes Glaciers, Snow, and Ice Caps. This includes Glaciers, Snow, and Ice Caps. Of the 3% of Fresh Water, <70% of it is trapped in Ice. Of the 3% of Fresh Water, <70% of it is trapped in Ice.
Running Out of Water OK, so I think we might have a problem. OK, so I think we might have a problem. If most of the fresh water is trapped in ice, how much do we have for drinking, agriculture, and life in general? If most of the fresh water is trapped in ice, how much do we have for drinking, agriculture, and life in general? So where do we get our fresh water from? So where do we get our fresh water from?
Ground Water* Some fresh water is found in the ground. Some fresh water is found in the ground. Does anyone have a well at home? Does anyone have a well at home? Has anyone dug a whole in the ground, and water started to come up? Has anyone dug a whole in the ground, and water started to come up? Of the <3% of Fresh Water, 30% is found in Ground Water. Of the <3% of Fresh Water, 30% is found in Ground Water. But there is a problem with ground water. Not all of it can be retrieved. But there is a problem with ground water. Not all of it can be retrieved.
Surface Water* Surface water is water that is readily available for use. Surface water is water that is readily available for use. Examples: Ponds, Lakes, Rivers, Streams, Puddles Examples: Ponds, Lakes, Rivers, Streams, Puddles Of the 3% of fresh water,.3% is Surface water. Of the 3% of fresh water,.3% is Surface water.
.3% So what have we learned? So what have we learned? Even though Earth has a lot of water, we cannot use most of it. Even though Earth has a lot of water, we cannot use most of it. Most of it is trapped in the oceans, ground, or is frozen. Most of it is trapped in the oceans, ground, or is frozen. Only a very small amount,.3%, is able to be used by life (fresh water). Only a very small amount,.3%, is able to be used by life (fresh water). So we need to preserve as much water as possible! So we need to preserve as much water as possible!
Conclusion The Earth is 70% Water The Earth is 70% Water 97% is Salt Water (we can’t drink this) 97% is Salt Water (we can’t drink this) 3% is Fresh Water 3% is Fresh Water <70% of Fresh water is frozen <70% of Fresh water is frozen <30% of Fresh water is ground water <30% of Fresh water is ground water.3% is Fresh Usable Water (Surface Water).3% is Fresh Usable Water (Surface Water) It is very important to conserve our water, we don’t have much of it. It is very important to conserve our water, we don’t have much of it.