X86 Assembly Language Same Assembly Language for 8086,80286,80386,80486,Pentium I II and III Newer Processors add a few instructions but include all instructions from earlier processors
CISC (X86) vs. RISC (MIPS) CISC machines have fewer registers CISC machines have more addressing modes – one operand can be memory (no LW or SW) CISC machines have more instruction formats and they vary in length CISC machines have more instructions Programs require fewer CISC instructions than RISC but time/instruction is longer With pipelining and dynamic execution, a CISC instruction set is perhaps 10-20% slower than RISC
Assembly Resources (Free) Free AMD X86 manuals uals/ PDFhttp:// uals/ PDF
Celeron & PIII – P6 Core Celeron Home Page P6 Core Manual nuals/ htm nuals/ htm