Affiliation Agreement Briefing November 19, 2004
4 Easy Steps 1.Obtain a Federal Tax ID Number 2.Complete and Sign Affiliation Agreement 3.Update Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws 4.File Updated Articles, Bylaws and Completed Affiliation Agreement with Secretary of State
Checklist for Parish Foundations Obtain a Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) by filling out IRS Form SS-4. –You can also receive your EIN by Internet at –If your Parish 4-H Foundation already has an EIN, disregard this step. Sign the attached Affiliation Agreement and return it to the State 4-H Foundation by December 1, 2004.
Overview of Affiliation Agreement
1.Identify the organization as an LSU AgCenter 4-H supporting organization. 2.Incorporate the United States Department of Agriculture’s Federal regulations (Title 18, U.S.C. 707) on the oversight and use of the 4-H Name and logo. 3.The fiscal year must coincide with the State 4-H Foundation fiscal year of July 1 through June 30. Update Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws -- 5 items to be addressed
Update Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws 4. Include provisions for the transfer of the organization’s assets upon disaffiliation or dissolution to the State 4-H Foundation, where it will be held in a special account for that parish. 5. Non-discrimination policy stating the foundation is operated without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, handicap, or veteran’s status.
1.Identify the organization as an LSU AgCenter 4-H supporting organization. The *** 4-H Foundation, which is a supporting organization of the LSU AgCenter, is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes for 4-H youth in *** Parish, and is affiliated with the *** Parish LSU AgCenter, the Louisiana 4-H Foundation and the LSU AgCenter. 2.The fiscal year must coincide with the State 4-H Foundation fiscal year of July 1 through June 30. The corporation will run on a fiscal year of July 1 through June 30.
3. Incorporate the United States Department of Agriculture’s Federal regulations (Title 18, U.S.C. 707) on the oversight and use of the 4-H Name and logo. This corporation will often use the University’s name and/or 4-H name and emblem in carrying out their functions, and in some cases, use University facilities, personnel, or resources in raising funds for the otherwise supporting of the University and its 4-H programs. The 4-H name and emblem are protected under federal statue (Title 18, USC 707) and authorization for all uses of the 4-H name and/or emblem must be granted by the Cooperative Extension System Directors and Administrators at the state land-grant universities located in the state in which the 4-H name and/or emblem are to be used.
4. Include provisions for the transfer of the organization’s assets upon disaffiliation or dissolution to the State 4-H Foundation, where it will be held in a special account for that parish. Copy Section I of Affiliation Agreement 5. Non-discrimination policy stating the foundation is operated without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, handicap, or veteran’s status. No person shall be subjected to discrimination on the Grounds of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, Age, or disability.
Sending Articles to Secretary of State Amendment of Articles of Incorporation of *** 4-H Foundation BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public within the aforesaid Parish and State, duly commissioned and sworn, and the undersigned competent attesting witnesses, came and appeared: John Doe, President of the *** 4-H Foundation, and Jane Smith, Treasurer of *** 4-H Foundation, Who declared that, by special meeting held on the date of ******, 2004, with 7 members present, by a vote of 7 to 0 on each issue, the Articles of Incorporation of *** 4-H Foundation were amended as follows: Article X ***************************************************
Send revised Articles of Incorporation, along with $60 check to: Louisiana Secretary of State Commercial Division P. O. Box Baton Rouge, LA Telephone: (225) By December 1: Mail signed Affiliation Agreement, along with Articles of Incorporation to: Trey Williams State 4-H Foundation PO Box Baton Rouge, LA 70894
Financial Management Balance Statement Income Statement Check Ledger
Other Dates to Remember –Beginning September 1, 2005, submit Financial Reports to the State 4-H Foundation twice a year – within 60 days of the close of the fiscal year (due September 1) and again six months from that date (due March 1). –First Report is Due September 1, 2005 Financial Period from January 1-June 30, 2005 Fiscal 05’ Budget
IRS 990 –File IRS Form 990 Tax-exempt organizations that have annual gross receipts not normally in excess of $25,000 are not required to file the annual information return. Must be filed by the 15th day of the 5th month after the end of your organization's accounting period (November 15 th )