Basics on Water Balance Module 2: Water Budget, Pressures and Impacts, Significant Water Management Issues, Monitoring, Characterization Report Basics.


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Presentation transcript:

Basics on Water Balance Module 2: Water Budget, Pressures and Impacts, Significant Water Management Issues, Monitoring, Characterization Report Basics on Water Balance Senad Ploco

Content Hydrology and hydrological cycle; River basin water budget; World water budget; WISE reporting on water balance.

Introduction Where water comes from and where it goes? Why some of it is salty and some is fresh? Why sometimes there is not enough water and sometimes too much?

Hydrology Hydrology = hydro + logos (water + science) A water science that deals with the occurrence, circulation and distribution of water of the earth and earth’s atmosphere. A good understanding of the hydrologic processes is important for the assessment of the water resources, their management and conservation on global and regional scales.

Hydrologic (Water) cycle Evaporation from water bodies Water vapor moves upwards Cloud formation Condensation Precipitation/Snow Interception Transpiration Infiltration Runoff–streamflow Infiltration Deep percolation Ground water flow

Evaporation and transpiration ET = Eg + Ei + Ed + Ew + Es + Et Eg - evaporation from snow and glacier surface Ei - evaporation of rainfall quantity intercepted by vegetal covering and also by constructions Ed - evaporation of rainfall quantity accumulated in ground depressions without possibilities of infiltration Ew - evaporation from water surface Es - evaporation from soil surface without vegetation Et - transpiration produced by the vegetation biological process

Key river basin features Climate Shape Size Slope Soil type Hydrogeology Storage capacity

Orographical vs topografical watershed

River Basin Water Budget (km3) Vin – Vout = ΔV (km3)

River Basin Water Balance (mm)

World Water Budget Total quantity: million km 3 Saline water (oceans): million km 3 Land water:48.5 million km 3 Land water 13.8 M km 3 is again saline 34.7 M km 3 is fresh water 10.6 M km 3 is both liquid and fresh 24.1 M km 3 is a frozen ice and glaciers in the polar regions and mountain tops

Annual World Water Balanace

Water balance of continents

Water balance of oceans

Trends in the World

April 2005, Laktasi, B&H 17 No River Basin Countries A [km2] q [l/s/km2] 1Danube18801, RhineDE, CH, FR, NL160, ElbePL, AU, CZ, DE148, ScheldtF, B, NL21, ThamesUK9, SavaSLO, CRO, BiH, SER, MON 97, Some EU rivers

WISE and Water Balance Reporting by EU MS on: Water availability; Water abstraction; Water use.

WISE - Water availiabilty Reporting per RBD on:

WISE and Water Abstraction

WISE and Water Use

Water availability? Is there enough fresh water on the Earth? Current population number: Specific water consumption: 80 l/d/cap