Anthrax Hunter JM Sept.30/2012
Bacillus Anthracis Commonly known as ‘Anthrax’, bacillus anthracis is extremely lethal. There are very few cures for the disease, therefore most people who contrive the disease end up dying.
The Strain The strains of Bacillus Anthracis are long and in a chain-like shape.
The symptoms There are three different ways anthrax can contaminate a host: ①Inhalation. ②Cutaneous. ③ Gastrointestinal.
Inhalation Anthrax Common symptoms include: common cold, mild fever and sore muscles. Spores enter the mouth to get to the chest.
Cutaneous Anthrax Spores enter through cuts or legions in the skin, most common when working with livestock. Over 3 days the infected area turns black and ‘dead looking’. About 20% of cutaneous cases result in death if left untreated.
Gastrointestinal Anthrax Derived from eating improperly/under- cooked livestock meats. Results in an inflammation of the intestinal track. Loss of apatite, nausea, weight loss and vomiting blood are common symptoms of gastrointestinal anthrax.
Prevention (if possible) avoid direct contact with spores. Avoid eating improperly cooked game meats eg. Lamb, goats milk. Avoid contact with people who might be infected.
Treatment Currently there are only a few drugs that can cure the effects of anthrax, these include cliproflaxacin and doxyclycline, both are antibiotics(bacteria killers).
Vaccine The vaccine for anthrax is not currently available to the general public but is reserved for the military and other people working with the spores(scientists and others).