Today’s Agenda Dig deeper into SEP’s for MS Reading debrief 8 th grade experience NGSS to instruction by grade levels Wrap-up and prep for summer
How is the average temperature of Earth determined? Jot down a few ideas Sketch a map of the room. Show the locations of each water container. When directed, place the temperature probe in the water. Measure and record the water temperature. Share temperature data for each container with the whole group.
How is the average temperature of Earth determined? Make a table of temperature data, or write the temperature data on your map. Determine the average for all the temperature data. Consider the container you measured, or any other single container in the room. How well does its temperature reflect the mean temperature of all containers?
Taking Earth’s Temperature
How are Earth’s temperature measurements taken?
Watch the Video – “Taking the Earth’s Temperature” Discuss findings with a partner Be prepared to share key points
What is the pattern of Earth’s average temperature over the past 100 years? On the graph write the phrase: “What I see,” on the top of your graph Record what you see and draw an arrow pointing to what you are describing – Think about changes, trends, and differences – Draw arrows to what you are describing – No “because” statements Examine the NASA/GISS Scientists data
What is the pattern of Earth’s average temperature over the past 100 years? Write the phrase: “What it means” underneath the first phrase Record what it means and draw arrows pointing to what you are describing – You should have one WIM statement for each WIS statement Examine the NASA/GISS Scientists data?
What is the pattern of Earth’s average temperature over the past 100 years? On the graph write the phrase: “What I see,” on the top of your graph Record what you see and draw an arrow pointing to what you are describing – Think about changes, trends, and differences – Draw arrows to what you are describing – No “because” statements Examine the NASA/GISS Scientists and British Scientists data
What is the pattern of Earth’s average temperature over the past 100 years? Write the phrase: “What it means” underneath the first phrase Record what it means and draw arrows pointing to what you are describing – You should have one WIM statement for each WIS statement Examine the NASA/GISS Scientists and British Scientists data?
A caption for the data Think of a caption as an executive summary Begin with a topic sentence describing the graphic Join WIS with WIM to form a short paragraph
CCCR Consider–Contribute-Consult-Revise Consider and think individually. Write down your best ideas. Contribute your ideas with a partner. Consult your partner. Revise your ideas. – Make revisions in a different colored pen or pencil – Carefully consider the advice from your peers
What factors affect Earth’s temperature? Do a quick write and answer this question. Share your ideas with your table group. Do the factors you identified affect the stability of Earth’s climate suddenly or accumulate over time gradually? What additional information might we need to address this question more in-depth?
What are the components of Earth’s climate system?
What are natural influences on Earth’s climate system? Human influences?
Manipulating Models Open your browser to Carbon Connections: The Carbon Cycle and the Science of Climate – t-03/index.php t-03/index.php – Unit 3 – Activity 3.1c Manipulating Models – Begin with “Now open the Climate Connections Climate Model” Read 3.1c and do as instructed
What are the impacts of natural influences on Earth’s mean surface temperature? Natural influences to investigate – Testing Forcings” – complete as written – El Niño/La Niña Cycles Harrison County MS & Campbell County MS – Volcanic Aerosols King MS & Johnson County MS – Solar Cycles Garrard MS & East/West Carter MS
What are the impacts of natural influences on Earth’s mean surface temperature? Ask questions of the data to clarify the evidence of the natural influence (forcing) your group investigated Find additional information (as needed) based on your questions – search websites QuestionsWhat I foundWhat it means
What are the impacts of human influences on Earth’s mean surface temperature? Human influences to investigate – complete as written – Human Factors – all groups investigate
What are the impacts of human influences on Earth’s mean surface temperature? Ask questions of the data to clarify the evidence of the human influence (forcing) you investigated Find additional information (as needed) based on your questions – search websites QuestionsWhat I foundWhat it means
Engaging in Argument from Evidence Use the Explanation Tool to craft your argument for the claim Write complete explanation (bottom area of explanation tool) on chart paper Be prepared for a gallery walk
Gallery Walk Read what others have written Provide at least one piece of feedback or advice – I wonder… – I noticed… – Pose a question Gather ideas from others to revise your explanation
Revisit questions about natural and human influences on Earth’s mean surface temperature Have any questions been addressed? Do you have new questions? Do you need additional data? Considerations – Validating sources? – Reliability of models?
Revise Explanation Use feedback from the Gallery Walk, additional questions and data you have collected to revise your initial explanation.
What are some possible applications of what we have learned? Work with a partner to generate ideas – Examine Performance Expectations – Science and Engineering Practices – Crosscutting Concepts – Disciplinary Core Ideas
Possible Task? What could we do to monitor and minimize human impact on the environment (or Earth’s climate)? Develop an action plan for our school that will be presented to the principal and SBDM – Provide rationale for the plan – Prepare a presentation for other schools Use our data to go to superintendent and BOE
Human activities are continuing to affect the Earth’s energy budget by changing the emissions and resulting atmospheric concentrations of radiatively important gases and aerosols and by changing land surface properties. Previous assessments have already shown through multiple lines of evidence that the climate is changing across our planet, largely as a result of human activities. The most compelling evidence of climate change derives from observations of the atmosphere, land, oceans and cryosphere. Unequivocal evidence from in situ observations and ice core records shows that the atmospheric concentrations of important greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) have increased over the last few centuries. – IPCC Report, 2013