*Please make sure you have: * signed in and received both a visitor’s sticker and a colored dot sticker for your child; *picked up an agenda, which will assist you in preparing your child for kindergarten; *note that additional resources can be found at the following:
*Kindergarten Orientation: Friday, August 21 st, (in the morning) During this orientation, you will receive details about many procedures that will help ensure a smooth transition *Back-to-School Night: Tuesday, September 1 or Thursday, September 3 Information related to our curriculum will be shared *Class Lists: Thursday, August 20 at 4:00 pm Class lists and bus schedules will be posted on the front door of CLES
At registration, you should have received a list of school supplies. You may also find this list on the CLES PTA website. Please be sure to label EVERYTHING on this list, including the backpack, lunch box, clothing and supplies.
*Backpacks need to be standard size: 16” x 14” – please do not buy anything smaller; *Lunchboxes need to be insulated and labeled; *Please purchase PLASTIC folders, as they are the most durable to last throughout the school year; *Spiral notebooks should be single-subject notebooks; *Please bring ALL supplies to Orientation!
*Each student will be given color-coded name tags that should be worn each day during the first week of school *Transportation/Dismissal *Arrival on the first day of school: -please come to the cafeteria side door; all pictures need to be taken at home or before the bell rings outside of the school *Dismissal: -Walkers will be picked up by the side door -After-care -Bus riders -Car riders ANY changes to dismissal will need a note each time!!!
*Kindergarten schedules will consist of” -Language Arts/Math blocks in the morning; -Take 10 and Snack mixed into the AM schedule; -Lunch/Recess; -Related Arts; -Center time; -Dismissal *Volunteers will be needed in the classroom, as well as during technology, lunch & recess
Please watch for two important HCPSS mailings regarding lunch account pins and the Parent Portal. Both must be set up for ALL HCPSS students. * It is important to read all notifications and s from CLES and HCPSS!
*We will now take a tour of the school and at the end, you will pick up your child from their assigned color-coded classroom *PLEASE DO NOT ENTER THE CLASSROOM – each teacher will bring all children out to you! Thanks for coming