3F03-Exam Review Exam Review April 2015
KC Availability: Exam review Tues April 7 th 11:00-1:00 Wed April 8 th 9:30-12:30 Thurs April 9 th 11:00-1:00 Tues April 14 12:30-2:30
Exam Structure Four from eight questions. – One from Section 1 ( Process Design;heat & mass balances) 3 hours No Books! Approved Calculator
Section 1; Process Design Choice of at least one from two Questions Will test ability to evaluate an select process options based on calculations of process performance; heat balance, mass balance equilibrium condition Question 1/ Ironmaking and Iron Ore reduction Process Question 2/ Design of Copper Making Process
Section 2; Specific Processes Choose 3 from 6 questions testing knowledge of processes used to extract different metals and use theoretical background to analyse and evaluate these processes.
Content Everything up to and including Tues March 31 Answers: –About 30-50% calculation –Will test application of concepts to designing selecting processes. –Knowledge of Processes and understanding basis of processes
Learning Objectives Thermochemical Fundamentals –Thermodynamics----Can we?---- How can we? –Heat and mass balance---- how much energy/product/raw material? Be aware of main processes used for materials production Be able to relate the design of these processes to the fundamentals.
What do we consider in design of process? Source of raw material Form/Chemistry of raw material –Accessibility of valuable content –Concentration of valuable content –Impurities –Chemical form of valuable content (Oxide/Sulphide) Consistent supply
What do we consider in design of process? Heat requirement? Appropriate Fuels –Is the fuel also a reactant? –Does the ore provide its own fuel(Autogenous processing of Sulphides) Economic productivity Value of product Required purity of product
Materials Processes Sulphide Smelting Reduction of Oxides in blast Furnace Molten Salt Electrolysis for Magnesium and Aluminum Production
Mass Balance Input =Output +Accumulation –Auditing of elements –Principle independent of chemical changes –Ignores the interchange of energy –Applies to all processes regardless of complexity
Heat Balance Similar to mass balance –Heat in=Heat out +Accumulation Stoichiometric coefficient –ve for reactants +ve for products.
Heat Balance Phase transformation at T 2 Solid State, Melting, Vaporization, Sublimation
Heat of Reaction
Heat Balance Critical Skills/Issues –Conduct Heat Balance With Multiple Inputs and Outputs and Incomplete Chemical Reactions –Calculate the heat of reaction at a new temperature –Relate the outcomes of heat balance to why we do what we do in a process
Carbon Fuels Learning Objectives –Be able to discuss major characteristics of metallurgical fuel –Be able to describe the coking process and coal gasification. –Understand the properties we require from coke and its role in the blast furnace
MS MO 2 M SO 2 = 0.5S 2 +O 2 Me MeS MeO
Process Red Metals M and Me A/ can directly smelt both B/ Can directly smelt M not Me C/ Can directly smelt Me not M D/ cant directly smelt either me or M
Process Blue Metals M and Me A/ can directly smelt both B/ Can directly smelt M not Me C/ Can directly smelt Me not M D/ cant directly smelt either me or M
MS MO 2 M SO 2 = 0.5S 2 +O 2 Me MeS MeO A B C 2%MO 2
Sulphide Smelting Utopia –Continuous –Direct –Autogenous (utilize heat available from sulphur combustion) –Zero Losses
Sulphide Smelting Reality –Most cannot be directly smelted –Those that can have major impurities that prohibit the direct route –Different approaches –Ways of making continuous direct smelting work Must be able to think of processing of all ores in terms of foregoing?
Sulphide Smelting Choice Lead sulphide can under certain circumstances be directly smelted. You are asked to consider 2 concentrates: A/ 50%PbS 50%FeS B/ 90% PbS 10%FeS Which will be the most appropriate for direct smelting
Sulphide Smelting Choice You are have been asked to increase the purity of your lead Bullion, this will A/increase lead losses B/decrease lead losses Which will be the most appropriate for direct smelting
Blast Furnaces Where the heat comes from –Importance of CO 2 in off-gas –Required properties of coke –Conditions required to make process work Desired and undesirable reactions Calculate required conditions
Copper Can Directly Smelt Major Impurity (FeS) Gets In the Way –Know the process routes and why? –Know the different types of furnace and their characteristics/advantages Always a balance between purity, productivity and loss!
Flash Smelting of Copper Two concentrates A/ 50%Cu2S 50% FeS B/ 90%Cu2S 10% FeS Which will be most amenable to Inco Flash Smelting?
Nickel Not Quite like Copper –Know the similarities and differences –Know the processing options –Know the equipment used –Know and understand the thermochemistry
Lead Also not quite like copper –Could directly smelt but there are challenges –Iron also plays a role Prefer blast furnace (not really) –Know the important reactions and where they occur (desirable and undesirable)
Zinc Can’t Directly Smelt! Big issue Gas Product! –Understand complications –Understand thermodynamic solution –Understand kinetic solution Blast Furnace –How we avoid reoxidation –Important reactions –Lead splash condenser
Electrometallurgy Main Characteristics of System –How they affect process route (raw materials treatment) –How they affect cell design e.g. density of electrolyte Energy optimization –Anode/cathode gap –Electrolyte properties –Production rate
Iron and Steelmaking Ironmaking Including the importance of Coke Steelmaking and process steps needed to remove specific impurities. Optimum process route for a specific steel