ENC 1102 Agenda for September 24, 2012 Daily Objective: To appreciate the art of a short story Daily Assignments: Turn in “A Good Man is Hard to Find” Quotes and Paragraph Peer/Self Editing of Short Story Essay in Rm. 214; final draft is due September 26 at 11:59 pm and we will work on it in class on Wednesday Read “The Rich Brother” on own and discuss
ENC 1102 Agenda for September 26, 2012 Daily Objective: To really appreciate the art of the short story Daily Assignments: Work on final draft of Short Story essay in Rm. 215; due tonight at 11:59 pm Study for Friday’s test Write a poem inspired by a song I will play for you Begin poetry unit by reading “Those Winter Sundays” and writing a poem about a childhood memory involving a relative
ENC 1102 Agenda for September 28, 2012 Daily Objective: To totally appreciate the art of the short story Daily Assignments: Short Stories/ Restoration Test Read “Ask Me” and ”Doo Wop” and “Monologue for an Onion”—write a serious or comic poem which contains no more than two words per line PLUS a poem that is serious or comic Monologue for an…
ENC 1101 Agenda for September 24, 2012 Daily Objective: To appreciate the majesty of Chaucer’s language Daily Assignments: Study for Wednesday’s Mid-Midterm Test that will be worth 200 points AND come up with skit on the pilgrim/s you have been assigned for a “Guess the Pilgrim” game at the end of class Work on Index to The Canterbury Tales in Rm. 213; time is also reserved for Friday, next Wednesday, and next Friday Last 25 minutes of class—We will play “Guess the Pilgrim”
ENC 1101 Agenda for September 26, 2012 Daily Objective: To successfully complete a college-level test Daily Assignments: Take Mid-Midterm Test BRING WADSWORTH BOOK ON FRIDAY OR DEAL WITH MY WRATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ENC 1101 Agenda for September 28, 2012 Daily Objective: To understand how to successfully write a research paper Daily Assignments: Work on Wadsworth assignments on research paper that are on p. 67, 68, and 69 of Guidebook in Rm. 214 If time is left, work on index for The Canterbury Tales
AP Agenda for September 24/ Daily Objective: To successfully write an AP rhetorical analysis essay under timed pressure Daily Assignments: Turn in Literary Terms Assignment #2 Complete AP Essay #2 Do AP MC Practice #4—come up with 2 AP MC questions w/ a-c with a partner THEN do mc questions on own Write a story starting with “I could not believe it when…” (w/ a song to inspire you in the background) If you have copies of them, bring A Walk in the Woods and One Child next class period
AP Agenda for September 26/ Daily Objective: To appreciate the majesty of Henry David Thoreau’s writing and/or to survive reading Walden (as smoke may come out of your brain as you read from exerting yourself) Daily Assignments: Pass out Literary Term Assignment #2 and put it into vocabulary section of Guidebook Assign Walden Reading/Index (p /200.75) and Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Topics of Discussion (p )—due October 8 (A Day) and October 9 (B Day) Go over Topics of Discussion for A Walk in the Woods and One Child in our Circle of Love and Understanding
AP Agenda for Sept.28/Oct Daily Objective: To realize what an amazing feat it is that Douglass taught himself to read and write then escaped slavery then became one of the most renowned African-Americans of his time Daily Assignments: 12th Annual National Literary Term Bee (for B Day) Work in groups on Topics of Discussion for Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass—due Oct. 8 (A)/Oct. 9 (B) Watch Coldplay’s The Scientist and analyze