Aircraft leasing is a global business
The number of airlines globally continues to grow The number of airlines up by 240% since 1985 20% CAGR for LCCs and 8.4% in Asia and Middle East support the case for more operating lessors
Top 25 airlines by fleet count: % aircraft leased
Top 25 airlines by % aircraft leased, > 50 aircraft in fleet
Number of operating lessors has been steadily growing Over the past 20 years, the number of Lessors has doubled. The Industry is led by a handful of large Lessors, with ILFC and GECAS standing apart at the top The top 5 Lessors have historically controlled ~50% of the leased fleet.
GECAS and ILFC stand apart. The next tier of lessors represent a mix of leasing specialists and leasing arms of manufacturers Only half of the current leaders were among the top 25 in 1999 Former leading Lessors and a number of new leasing platforms are poised to enter the market: ● Avolon ● AerSale ● Greenstone ● Jackson Square ● LCI ● ICBC Leasing, CDB Leasing, etc Aircraft leasing has historically been a competitive sector
Operating Lessors have played a significant role in the roll-out of all major aircraft types over the past 10 years From 1999 to 2007, the lessor fleet grew at a consistent pace of 9.0% Since the lessor fleet growth slowed. primarily by retirements and sales of older equipment like B737- Classics Leasing of new or prime equipment continues, with a CAGR of near 17% over the same period Lessor fleets have been growing, across all aircraft types 9.0% CAGR
Lessor fleets have been growing…
And lessor fleet share has increased
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