T.A.G “The Art in Gaming” Facilitator Kenton D. Wesby SECME MASTER TEACHER MENTOR Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools DuPont Hadley Middle Prep
T.A.G “The Art in Gaming” Facilitator: Kenton D. Wesby Contact: SECME SI 2015 Assignments Measurable Timeline 2hrs Introduction: 10min Brief Research: 10min Video Game Package Concept: 20min – PowerPoint – Option: 9x12 paper/colored Design A Video Game: 40min – 4-10 levels – Set up a link Publish, Play, & Critique the published games: 25min Report Out/Dismiss: 15 min Resources:
T Objective: You as the designer will create a game design package advertising your game created on sploder.com Include the following: 5 pts. for each 1.Big illustration on the front of the package (colored) 2.Small illustration on the back of the package (colored) 3.Rating: for everyone or between yrs. Old (Include description for the rating) 4.Operating system: sploder.com/online video game 5.Barcode 6.Original seal design 7.Copyright date 8.Artist/creator 9.Description of the game (paragraph) 10.Brief instruction on how to play the game
T.A.G Video Game Assessment Critique Gender: ______________________________________ Age _______________________ 1.(K) What is the name of the video game? 1._________________________________________________________________ 2.(K) How many levels did you play? 1._________________________________________________________________ 3.(C) What is the main idea of this game? 1._________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 4.Did the name, style, and background match? __________________________________ 5.Rate this game’s personal appeal on a scale of 1 to 5 (circle your answer) 1.Would not play 2.Would play a little 3.Would play sometimes 4.Would play a lot 5.Would play all the time T.A.G. Final Video Game Assessment Critique Gender: ______________________________________ Age _______________________ 1.(K) What is the name of the video game? 1._________________________________________________________________ 2.(K) How many levels did you play? 1._________________________________________________________________ 3.(C) What is the main idea of this game? 1._________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 4.Did the name, style, and background match? __________________________________ 5.Rate this game’s personal appeal on a scale of 1 to 5 (circle your answer) 1.Would not play 2.Would play a little 3.Would play sometimes 4.Would play a lot 5.Would play all the time T.A.G “The Art in Gaming” Facilitator: Kenton D. Wesby Contact: SECME SI 2015
Final T.A.G. Critique Team Name: ________________________________ Please answer each question in a complete sentence to receive full credit 5 points each 1.(K) What is the name of your video game? 1._________________________________________________________________ 2.(K) How many levels did your team create? 1._________________________________________________________________ 3.(C) What is the main idea of your game? 1._________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 4.(AP) How is the main idea of your game related to the goals you must accomplish? 1._________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 5.(A) What are some features/goals you must accomplish in your game? 1._________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 6.(S) What changes or improvements would you make? 1._________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 7.(E) What is the most important aspect(part) of your game? 1._________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 8.(E) Discuss three academic subject related items used in your game? 1._________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ T.A.G “The Art in Gaming” Facilitator: Kenton D. Wesby Contact: SECME SI 2015
Intro to Video Game Design Assignments Measurable Timeline 7 days – (1 days): Research/Concept Packet – (2.5 days): Video Game Package Concept Using elements from the video site Sketch 4.5x6in pencil 9x12 paper/markers/colored pencils – (2.5 days):Design A Video Game 2-3 levels minimum Set up a link – (1day):Play the video game created Critique the published games
Video Game Package Design Video Game Package Design: Objective: You as the designer will create a game design package advertising your game created on sploder.com Include the following: 5 pts for each 1.Big illustration on the front of the package (colored) 2.Small illustration on the back of the package (colored) 3.Rating: for everyone or between yrs. Old (Include description for the rating) 4.Operating system: sploder.com/online video game 5.Barcode 6.Original seal design 7.Copyright date 8.Artist/creator 9.Description of the game (paragraph) 10.Brief instruction on how to play the game Presentation Types: A hand drawn design on a sheet of white drawing paper PowerPoint design created and to the teacher at
Final Video Game Assessment Critique Student Name: ________________________________ Class: ___A day ___Bday Please answer each question in a complete sentence to receive full credit 5 points each 1.(K) What is the name of your video game? 1._________________________________________________________________ 2.(K) How many levels did you create? 1._________________________________________________________________ 3.(K) What elements of art did you use while creating your game? How did you use them? 1._________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 4.(K) What principles of design did you use in your video game? How did you use them? 1._________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 5.(C) What is the main idea of your game? 1._________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 6.(AP) How is the main idea of your game related to the goals you must accomplish? 1._________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 7.(A) What are some features/goals you must accomplish in your game? 1._________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 8.(S) What changes or improvements would you make? 1._________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 9.(E) What is the most important aspect(part) of your game? 1._________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 10.(E) Discuss three art related items used in your game? 1._________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
Name ______________________________________ Date ___________________ Art Criticism Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Artist _______________________ Title of work ___________________________________ Description: What do you see? Describe the work. Identify the medium. ______________________________________________________________________________ Analysis: Describe the work according to the art elements. For example, explain the type of line you see; describe the color, shape, texture and space. ______________________________________________________________________________ Interpretation: Tell a short story explaining what you think of the artwork? Why do you think the artist created the work? ______________________________________________________________________________ Judgment: Give your opinion of the work. Be sure to include a reason for your judgment. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Sketch the work below...