PROPOSED DECISION-MAKING FLOW-CHART FOR SECTION 54s STOPPAGES: FOR EACH DANGEROUS OCCURRENCE, PRACTICE OR CONDITION : STEP 1: Rank the extent that the dangerous occurrence, practice or condition endangers or may endanger the health and safety of employees (1-5 with 1 being very small and 5 being very large) (For consistency, a standard risk assessment approach such as SIMRAC reports GAP 225 should be applied.) (For transparency, written justification should be provided) Rank from Step 1? Consider other enforcement options 1-3 4/5 STEP 2: STEP 3: Are there similar dangerous occurrences, practices or conditions across the mine overseer ‘s section as observed by inspector through representative sampling? (3 or more = 1; <3=0). Has risk been mitigated or identified by management and is being mitigated? Stop section 54 stoppage consideration Y N
STEP 4: Have any section 55s or section 54s (with no stoppage) for part of the section been issued on similar or related dangerous occurrences, practices or conditions in the past 12 months? (Yes – 1; No = 0) (Guidance should be provided on ‘similar or related’, ‘dangerous practices’ or ‘dangerous condition’. ‘Dangerous occurrence’ is defined in regulations 23.4) STEP 5: Any fatalities on the mine from similar or related dangerous occurrences, practices or conditions in the past 6 months? (Yes – 1; No = 0) STEP 6: Any serious(>13d off) injuries in mine overseer’s section from similar or related dangerous occurrences, practices or conditions in the past 6 months? (Yes – 1; No = 0) Are management actions and systems generally aimed at proactively improving health and safety? (No = 1; Yes = -1) (For transparency, justification should be provided) STEP 7:
STEP 8: Score from Step 8? Close relevant section 4/5 Are there similar dangerous occurrences, practices or conditions across section manager sections (3 or more mine overseer sections = Yes ) Close whole section manager section Y N Add scores from Steps Consider other options, enforcement No further action 1/2/3 Are there similar dangerous occurrences, practices or conditions across the mine (defined by 3.1 appointment) (3 or more section man sections = Yes ) Close whole mine Y N