Performance Reports
Objectives Understand the role and purpose of the Performance Reports in supporting student success and achievement. Understand changes to the Performance Reports and how to use the new interface.
Definition: Performance Reports An enhanced version of the old Performance Reports Available through the OAKS Portal ( Purpose: To allow districts and school staff and teachers to identify strengths and weaknesses and improve teaching and learning by providing: –Aggregate performance data for their district or school –Aggregate performance data for teachers or classes –Scores for individual students in their district or school –The ability to print student reports to distribute to families –The ability to view performance trends –The ability to create and view reports for custom rosters –Aggregate and student level performance data on strands –Aggregate level performance data on content standards Overview Performance Reports
What’s the Same? Data Provided Previously is Still Available System Requirements around Browsers and Operating Systems Performance Reports
What’s Changed? New look and feel New enhanced navigation −What can I do with this data? New landing page −Provides data across grades and subjects Dashboard data integrated with performance information New content standard report Trend analysis available at the strand level (in addition to subject) Enhanced help features Performance Reports
Performance Reports: Logging On Upon logging on, users will see a snapshot of the performance and testing progress of their district or school across all grades and subjects. By clicking on the percentage of students proficient for a particular test, they will be able to access more information for that test. This replaces the “selection tree” in the old system which asked users to select grade and subject but did not provide any data.
Users will see the same data that were available in the old performance reports (Average Scale Score at This Time Last Year, Count, etc. in addition to what is shown) District users will see performance data for the district and its schools; school users will see data for a school and each teacher; etc. The distribution of students across performance levels will be shown graphically to allow easier comparison between groups Users will be able to view the data for subgroups by choosing an option from the “Breakdown By” dropdown Performance Reports: Subject Performance
Users will be able to explore the data in various ways to answer questions they have of the performance reports and identify strengths and weaknesses This icon will indicate that data can be further explored When users click the icon, they will see a control panel that will let them select whether they want to see more or less group detail, more or less content detail, or if they want to see a trend for a particular piece of data Performance Reports: Navigation
By choosing more or less group detail, users will be able to see data for schools, individual personnel, classes, or individual students. The buttons on the control panel will update to identify the data the user will be accessing. This will help users answer “who” questions. For example: Who is struggling in algebra? This is similar to the “drill down” feature of the old site. Performance Reports: Navigation (cont)
By choosing more or less content detail, users will be able to navigate between performance information at the subject, strand, and content standard level. This will help users answer “What” questions. For example: What areas of Reading are my school’s strengths? Performance Reports: Navigation (cont)
By choosing “Trend” or “Current” users will be able to choose whether they want information on the current year performance of a student, group of students, school or district or if they want a historical trend of that performance. This will help users answer “When” questions. For example, Has this group of students struggled in science in the past? Performance Reports: Navigation (cont)
The Performance Reports will continue to provide data and tools provided by the old Performance Reports. Users will be able to use the navigation described earlier to access these data and tools. Longitudinal Reports Rosters of students with scores Ability to create custom rosters Ability to view all aggregated data for custom rosters Printable family-friendly student reports Ability to print and export pages Performance Reports: Data and Tools
The Performance Reports will continue to provide the family- friendly student report and other data and tools provided in previous years Performance Reports: Student Report
Dos Use the enhanced help features to learn about the new online reporting system and how to make best use of it Use data from the Performance Reports along with other information on student ability to identify areas of need and provided targeted instruction Create custom rosters to track the progress of particular groups of students –Students in an intervention program Use the data after checking your assumptions Dos and Don’ts Performance Reports
Don’ts Performance Reports users must not share their log-in information and passwords, even with other authorized Performance users – Student Score Data is Confidential Dos and Don’ts (cont) Performance Reports
Creating custom rosters to track the progress of a group of students in a particular program Using trend reports to examine student data over time Promising Practices Performance Reports
The Performance Reports will have a brand new interface in The Performance Reports are available through the OAKS Portal The new Performance Reports will provide the data available in previous years and will include additional reports and features In a Nutshell Performance Reports
What are the main new features of Performance Reports? Acorns for Storage Performance Reports