Honors Biology To be copied Muscular System 2 Honors Biology To be copied
Muscular System Chapter McGraw Hill http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/dl/free/0072437936/65659/widmaier_samplech9.pdf http://www.cristina.prof.ufsc.br/v2/muscular/livro_marieb_6ed_ch_09_muscles.pdf
Muscular System & Homeostasis stabilize body position produce movements regulate organ volume move substances w/in the body produce heat
Muscular System includes 700 voluntary muscles combination muscle & CT
Skeletal Muscle almost all cross a joint when contract extend force on tendon pulls on one of articulating bones usually, 1 bone remains stationary or near its original position & other bone moves muscle whose tendon is attached to stationary bone = origin muscle whose tendon is on moving bone = insertion
Skeletal Muscle fleshy part of muscle = belly (gaster)
Relationship of Skeletal Muscle to Bones: Lever Systems
3 Types Levers in Human Body
How Muscles are Named see handout know “basics of naming muscles” be able to identify what region or part of body any of listed muscle are located know names of highlighted muscles
Muscles to Identify
Muscles to Identify
Muscles to Identify
Muscles to Identify
Muscles to Identify
Muscles to Identify
Muscles to Identify
Muscles to Identify
Review http://www.biologycorner.com/anatomy/muscles/head/head_muscles.html http://www.biologycorner.com/anatomy/muscles/torso/muscles_thoracic.html http://www.biologycorner.com/anatomy/muscles/back/muscles_back.html http://www.biologycorner.com/anatomy/muscles/legs/front_legs.html http://www.biologycorner.com/anatomy/muscles/legs/back_legs.html http://www.biologycorner.com/anatomy/muscles/arms/bottom_arm.html