“Going Green” is a universal term for creating environmentally friendly products and processes. It is definitely a message that affects everyone and every business, locally and nationally. The term is found in every form of media; consumer magazines, business to business publications, local and network news. July 7 th ’s “Live Earth,” the largest concert in the world, was dedicated to spreading the message about climate change. Research tells us people want to be environmentally conscious, but aren’t educated enough to feel that they can make a difference. What is Rochester as a local community doing? The general public is not aware of what is being done locally to improve our environment. News 10NBC and Entercom Radio have created a program to educate and inform the greater Rochester community of what individuals and businesses are doing. The program is designed to entice individuals and business owners to do their part. “Go Green Rochester” is a year-long program that will feature ten individuals or businesses throughout the year who show their commitment to the environment. Nominations will be accepted via internet by the community at large. These “Champions” will be featured in a television and radio vignette for one month. Objectives To increase awareness about environmental issues in our community Recognize individuals and businesses who are working to improve our environment on a local basis Educate our local community on what individuals and businesses can do to improve the local environment Ultimately…to encourage change and make a difference in Rochester Strategy Utilize a multi-platform media plan taking advantage of the power of television, radio and the internet working together to educate the greater Rochester community about environmental issues that affect our local community
The concern for our environment has never been more prominent with consumers as it is today. “Green is a cultural touchstone that cuts through virtually all demographics and psychographics– not only consumers that are more affluent or active. According to MRI (Media Research Index): 63% of U.S. adults say “preserving the environment is a very important principle in their lives.” That number drops to 61% for “somewhat” or “very” conservative folks The number jumps to 75% for those that say they’re “somewhat” or ”very” liberal. A recent study by Synovate found that 92% of American adults believe “it is every citizen’s responsibility to work toward a cleaner environment, and four out of five also believe that polluting companies should be fined.” Frequency of Buying Green Products Sometimes 68% Never 20% Regularly 12% Base: 3,000 adults aged 18+ with internet access Source: Greenfield online/mintei Research from Synovate also indicates that children are increasingly prompting parents to look for green foods and other environmentally friendly items, including cars, cell phones and even vacation destinations. Research
According to Cone Research, an organization dedicated to tracking the consumer opinion and corporate benefit of cause marketing, investments made into the community have both intangible and tangible results for the altruistic company: 86% of Americans are likely to switch brands and/or merchants to reward the company that supports a community cause. 85% say that a company’s commitment to a community cause is vital to their doing business in the community 81% of workers say a company’s commitment to a community cause is important when deciding where to work. 80% of Americans can name a company that stands out in their mind as a strong corporate citizen. 74% of consumers say that community support is an important factor when recommending products and services to others. 70% of investors say that good corporate citizenship is an important influence when making investment decisions on stocks and mutual funds. “It’s Good Business to Do Good”
The Plan News 10NBC and Entercom Radio will combine forces to feature a monthly “Go Green Champion” on television and radio. Two non-competing sponsors will be on-camera and on-air to introduce the champion vignette as well as promotional announcements explaining the program and encouraging nominations. The vignettes will feature the champion and what they are doing to improve our environment. All messages will direct consumers to a microsite for more information on how to “go green.” Both news10nbc.com and Entercom Radio’s websites (wbee.com, rochesterbuzz.com and wroc-am.firstmediaworks.com) will provide a link from a “Go Green Rochester” ad to a landing page. This page will feature: Link to a nomination page (criteria TBD) Information about the two anchor sponsors along with hotlinks to their websites Archived Champion vignettes on video players “Go Green” tips video and text Link to The Center for Environmental Information’s website
Television Partnership Details Monthly Schedule Day Time Program # :30 Anncts M-F5a-6aNews 10NBC Early Today6x M-F6a-9aNews 10NBC Today/Today Show6x M-F4p-6pEllen Degeneres Show/News 10NBC at Five6x M-Su6p-11:35pNews 10NBC at Six/Everybody Loves Raymond/NBC Prime/News 10NBC at Eleven 4x Sat7a-9aSaturday Today2x Sun8a-9aSunday Today2x Sa-Su12n-6pWeekend Rotation: NHL Hockey/Various4x M-Su5a-5aNews 10NBC Weather Plus32x PLUS One 146 x 100 Web Ad to air monthly on News10nbc.com Total :30 Announcements: 62x This monthly schedule reaches 50% of Adults 18+ in the Rochester area an average of 2.2 times. 12-Month schedule reaches 89.7% of Adults 18+ in the Rochester area an average of 15.8 times.
Radio Partnership Details Monthly Schedule DaypartMonthly Anncts Per Station M-F6a-10a8x M-F3p-7p8x M-Su7p-12m16x M-Su6a-12m8x Total Announcements Per Station: 40x This monthly schedule reaches 27% of Adults 18+ in the Rochester area an average of 3.3 times. Stations: WBEE, WBZA, WROC One Banner Ad on websites PLUS 12-Month schedule reaches 32.2% of Adults 18+ in the Rochester area an average of 32.3 times.
The Summary MonthlyAnnual Investment$5,000$60,000 Number of TV Announcements News 10NBC 62x744x Number of Radio Announcements WBEE, WBZA, WROC 120x1,440 TV Website News10nbc.com 1x per month12x Radio Websites wbee.com rochesterbuzz.com wroc-am.firstmediaworks.com 1x per month 12x
Agreement When completed and signed, this document will authorize News 10NBC and Entercom Radio to include your business as an anchor sponsor for “Go Green Rochester.” The details of this program have been outlined in the preceding pages. Your company has agreed to invest $5,000/month or $60,000 annually. Invoices will be issued and payment is to be made to News 10NBC and Entercom Radio. Company Name: ________________________________________________________________ Client Signature: ________________________________________________________________ Client Contact Information: ____________________ Telephone:__________________ Fax: ______________ Questions? Contact: Marilynn GarbarinoTami CusackLocal Sales Manager News 10NBCEntercom Radio 191 East Avenue70 Commercial Street Rochester, NY 14604Rochester, NY Tel: Tel: Fax: Fax: