HealthCare4Me Website Usability Critique Drew Brezinski & Deane Nettles
Overall Home Page Video Registration Health Library Coaching Plan
Home Page
Interesting use of and richness of color
Good use of multi-ethnic images
Clear, colorful icons
Home Page Recommendations
Tabs that appear to work like buttons
Tabs that are tabs
Spanish flag for “Spanish,” both “Tell a Friend” and “Share”
Cleaned up links
Moving graphics attract attention away from actions
Eliminate distractions
Text small, difficult to read for those over 40 years old
Larger text
Multiple “Register” buttons in multiple styles
Single “Register” button
Rollout contains little info, operation fights Fitts’s Law
Rollout now just an a list (could be linked to library info)
Bottom buttons, two of which are videos, cover same info
More interesting video prominent on home page
Video Recommendations
When played, video greys screen. Text version link upper left
(Video questions: Why both white? Why give them bad traits?)
Registration Recommendations
Registration page places reg below fold
Header is smaller. Emphasize benefits. Login and registration combined for ease of use, error prevention
Form information fits on single page above fold
Health Library Recommendations
Lack of hierarchy (unclear links/headings)
Clear distinction between heading and links
Irrelevant logo
New relevant graphic
What card?
New heading reflects content
Indicates required Register/Log In, but doesn’t indicate how to
Consistent Register/Log In button
Coaching Plan Recommendations
Coaching plan landing page is vague and uninviting.
New landing page begins with step 1 in process
Tabs confuses user on where they are
Eliminate tabs (& distractive graphic) from header
Instructions are unclear about exactly how many to choose
Provide clear instructions for selection options and process
Radio buttons further confuse and limit selection process
Selection boxes make multiple selections easy