C ELLS The Building Blocks of Life
C ELLS Cells are the smallest unit of living matter. All living things including plants and animals are made up of cells. There are many different types of cells and each cell has a specific job.
R ED B LOOD C ELLS Red blood cells carry oxygen to all cells in your body. Red blood cells also carry away carbon dioxide, a waste gas.
R ED B LOOD C ELLS This shape allow them to absorb oxygen and carbon dioxide and easily move through small spaces.
N ERVE C ELLS Nerve cells carry messages throughout your body. Some nerve cells obtain information about sight, smell, hear, feel, and taste. Some nerve cells help to speak. Other nerve cells help you to respond to hot and cold.
M USCLE C ELLS Muscle Cells move different body parts. Muscle cells are bundled together to form strong fibers. In the bundle muscles have greater strength for movement. There are 3 types of muscle cells: 1. Skeletal muscle 2. Cardiac muscle 3. Smooth muscle
S KELETAL M USCLE Skeletal muscles move your head, arms, legs, fingers, and toes. Skeletal muscles work in pairs to move bones back and forth. Skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles meaning you can control their movement.
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S MOOTH M USCLES Smooth muscles are found in the walls of organs such as the stomach, intestines, and bladder. Smooth muscles are involuntary muscles meaning you can not control their movements.
C ARDIAC M USCLE Cardiac Muscle make up the walls of the heart. Cardiac muscle squeezes and relaxes without stopping. Cardiac muscle are involuntary meaning you can not control their movement.