Institute of Applied Technology Project Wednesday, February 16, 2011
1- Logo and Mission ( 10 marks) 2- Customer Needs Analysis ( 10 marks) 3- Flow Chart ( 10 marks)
Mid-Cycle quiz in WEEK 5 ( March 6th -10th,2011). project presentations in WEEK 6 ( March 13th- 17th,2011). WEEK 7 will be for revision WEEK 8&9 will be for the EXAMS.
A Need for Change The hotel is making a small profit, but is rarely full and not making the most of its superb facilities, location, and staff. The hotel logo is very outdated and old-fashioned. The hotel needs a new logo and mission statement to attract guests. The hotel does not have a good method for advertising. It needs a new brochure and website to promote itself on the Internet. The past guest list needs to be updated into a spreadsheet for easy mailing and sending promotional information to. A new budget spreadsheet to work out staff salaries must be created and entered into the operating system.
Task 1B: Create a flow chart of your proposal plan. (3 points) Steps: 1. Collect your team’s notes and ideas for improvement and make a numbered list of what you need to do in which order (organize and synthesize). 2. Go to to create your flow chart. 3. Save your team’s flow chart and print it to add to your file. Hand it in for points when your teacher asks for it. 4. Use the flow chart in your planning during the project. Make sure you focus on all areas the customer wants as you plan.
Mission Statement Mission Statement The mission statement should be a clear and succinct representation of the enterprise's purpose for existence. It should incorporate socially meaningful and measurable criteria addressing concepts such as the moral/ethical position of the enterprise, public image, the target market, products/services, the geographic domain and expectations of growth and profitability. The intent of the Mission Statement should be the first consideration for any employee who is evaluating a strategic decision. The statement can range from a very simple to a very complex set of ideas.
"To fill the earth with the light and warmth of hospitality.“
Logo’s _Flash_Logos/1.html _Flash_Logos/1.html
Evaluating the Current Seaside Hotel Logo Discuss the pros and cons of this design The customer’s opinion about their current logo: - “Its a bit boring and the colors are awful. It doesn’t give the impression of a relaxing, modern, seaside getaway.” The customer’s desire: - something professional, not cartoony - something with a clean, bright feel to it - needs to give the feeling of “relaxation, fun, and holiday” in it The Seaside Hotel
Create the new Seaside Hotel logo Task 2A: Now it’s your turn! With your group, make a rough draft of what you want your logo to look like. Don’t forget to think about what the customer wants! Remember, adjusting the color, font, and design can make a big difference. When you’re ready to create your logo, go to the website: Remember to write a mission statement or motto to go with your logo. Turn these in to your teacher for points.
Create a Mission Statement Task 2B: Using the mission statements and mottos you studied, write a professional, 2-3 line statement to go with the company logo you created. Remember to think about what the customer wants! Use their and your Needs Analysis sheet. Give this to your teacher when asked.