Auto Fleet Year Make Model License Number Serial Number Ownership Unit Number 407 Transponder Purchase Price and Taxes Registered Owner Ownership Type In today’s competitive business environment, contractors need intelligent systems to manage growth. X-pert Contractor will automate operations, increase productivity, optimize business relationships and reduce operating expenses.
Contractor’s Equipment Year Make Model Serial Number Unit Number List Price Purchase Price and Taxes Company Ownership Type X-pert Contractor was developed with contractor input. It’s rich in features and functions. Its user friendly programming, provides the highest level of service for contractors.
Contractor’s ToolsShop Equipment X-pert Contractor is easy to navigate from program to program and screen to screen. It’s easy to browse for information.
Office EquipmentComputers and Software It’s easy to input critical data and it’s easy to retrieve that data when required. X-pert Contractor operates quickly, smoothly and efficiently and is extremely accessible and responsive.
Real Estate Description of location Address Building Size Ownership Leased/Mortgage/Owned Photo of Building Taxes/Utilities/Insurance Property Maintenance X-pert Contractor alerts you on upcoming renewals for date sensitive documents such as leases, mortgages, insurance policies and equipment maintenance.
ResourcesFinancials Hosted offsite, X-pert Contractor offers an advanced level of security to protect you from data breach. This allows you to avoid the need to deploy and maintain in-house software and hardware on premises which makes costs easier to predict and budget.
Auto AccidentsProperty Claims X-pert Contractor helps you mange your claim files in terms of dates, third party information, estimated damage, pictures, Police reports and the like.
Quoted JobsJobs on the Go All modules are integrated. Information entered in one part is simultaneously created in all parts of the system. This improves productivity and reduces the possibility of errors. Standardized workflow with built-in forms ensures consistency. Automated abeyances help keep you organized.
Insurance Type of Insurance Description Policy Number Insurance Company Effective and Expiry Date Broker Contact information Premium With X-pert Contractor, access to all of your insurance files are a click away.
Personnel Files Employee Name Address Date of Birth Cell Driver License Drivers Abstract Social Insurance Date of Hire Title Salary Salary Type Performance Review Date Employment Contract X-pert Contractor helps you manage your people, performance review process and salary expectations.
B2B Classifieds Looking for Something? Need to Sell Something? Buy and Sell Equipment Buy and Sell Services X-pert Contractor allows unlimited storage of files and attachments and provides continuous service for your customers via remote access and in the event of a disaster.