Inhalation rib cage pulled upward and outward


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Presentation transcript:

Inhalation rib cage pulled upward and outward diaphragm pulled downward

Exhalation Now, we’ll see how we exhale or breathe out.

rib cage moves downward and inward rib cage moves downward and inward Exhalation When the muscles between the ribs relax, the rib cage moves downward and inward.

Exhalation rib cage moves downward and inward diaphragm moves upward And when the diaphragm muscles relax, the diaphragm moves upward

Exhalation rib cage moves downward and inward diaphragm moves upward We’ll watch this happening.

the volume inside decreases Exhalation As everything is pushing inward, we see the volume inside the chest cavity decreases.

the pressure inside increases Exhalation This means the pressure inside increases.

the pressure inside is higher than atmospheric pressure Exhalation Now, the pressure inside the chest cavity is higher than atmospheric pressure. Remember that air moves from an area of higher pressure into an area of lower pressure.

Exhalation So as the volume in the chest cavity decreases, air is pushed out of the lungs.

Exhalation So again, we don’t have muscles in our lungs.

Exhalation rib cage moves downward and inward diaphragm moves upward It is when the muscles between our ribs and in our diaphragm relax,

Exhalation rib cage moves downward and inward diaphragm moves upward That the volume of the chest cavity is decreased and air is pushed out.

Breathing Now, we’ll have a look at the whole process of breathing…

Breathing Inhalation……exhalation…..inhalation……exhalation… Of course this process continues to occur throughout our whole lifetime.

Acknowledgements for Images Used "Gray112" by Henry Vandyke Carter - Henry Gray (1918) Anatomy of the Human Body (See "Book" section below) Gray's Anatomy, Plate 112. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons -