Decreasing births < 39 weeks gestation without medical indication and improving birth registry accuracy project Creating Your Team Storyboard Instructions and Tips for Success
Storyboard Instructions Use the 13 slides in this outline to create a storyboard that describes your team’s work and improvements in the project. The storyboard will allow you to share your successes, your challenges and what you have learned. These slides should be customized to reflect your team’s efforts. Feel free to insert pictures, graphs and narratives to create a storyboard in the format you think best describes your team’s progress. When you are finished adapting these slides, make a copy of each one and bring them with you to the 5/30/13 Learning Session. You will be given a 40”x30” poster on a tripod and push pins to attach your storyboard. You will also be given the opportunity during the learning session to discuss your storyboard with other teams. Questions? Contact Beth White at or
Decreasing births < 39 weeks gestation without medical indication and improving birth registry accuracy project (Insert Your Team’s Name)________Storyboard
Your Hospital Describe: –Your hospital’s location –Demographics of those you serve –Your health system’s characteristics, perhaps your mission statement, and/or logo –Some thing interesting that makes your hospital unique
Tell us About Your Team The 2 keys to an effective team are a manageable size and diversity. 1.If your team has a name, tell us how you chose the name 3.Tell us how you chose your team members Because of expert knowledge of OB? QI? IPHIS? Those who can work well together? A mix of administrative, medical, management, clerical and bedside clinical care?
Team Picture 1 Introduce Your Team Members
Leadership Support Insert an short comment or two about how your hospital’s administrative and medical leadership facilitate your work on this project –Are they motivated and excited about the project? –Are they active participants on calls and when sharing ideas? –Do they help make the work of the team visible to other departments? –Do they allocate adequate time and other needed resources?
Your Team’s Experience with Peers and Hospital Leadership Insert information through narrative or pictures or graphs to describe some notable experiences of your team. Tell us about how your team’s work is understood and accepted by the unit staff and by the medical staff and hospital administration. Explain what you have learned about getting support from others who will influence the success of your proposed changes.
Insert Your Aim Statement The (your site)……………………………….. Intends to:……………………………………….. ………………………………………… By date:………………………..…………… For (population):……………………………… Because:……………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………
Journey to Your Aim Explain how you decided what your aim will be. What is important to your team? Your patients? Your organization? Did your team brainstorm different approaches to your aim?
Insert Your Numeric Goals This shows how your team will answer the second question of the Model for Improvement: How we will know our change is an improvement? Make sure your goals line up with your aim
Insert Your Process Flow Diagram Show your baseline process flow diagram
Your IPHIS-Patient Medical Record Checklists Show your baseline and most recent percentage of patient medical record to IPHIS accuracy results You can choose to use a graph to show your progress, or use one of the checklists with summary information, or perhaps a comparison chart showing progress in accuracy of each of the variables.
Insert Your Tests of Change Display one or two…or more if you have space…. of your PDSA cycles
Final Word You have the final word. What do you want to be sure everyone knows is important to your team? What is missing? Any advice for other teams? What would your team like to express?
In acknowledgement to IHI for contributions to the structure of this storyboard outline