Chameleon Challenge 1.Orange- lab C sign 2.Red- Stanford pennant 3.Red- swim to ship poster 4.Blue- blue poster paper 5.Blue- H lab tray 6.Blue- kindness sign 7.Tan- bookshelf 8.Tan- bookshelf 9.Tan- lab C/D sink 10.Clear 10.Clear- computer #2 11.Clear 11.Clear- computer #12 12.Clear 12.Clear- handouts binder 13.Clear 13.Clear- WIFI instructions 14.Clear 14.Clear- campus map 15.Clear 15.Clear- tech-ed flow chart 16.Clear 16.Clear- above agenda 17.Clear 17.Clear- window to storage room 18.Clear 18.Clear- mouse tank 19.Clear 19.Clear- mouse tank 20.Clear 20.Clear- welcome sign 21.Clear 21.Clear- display case 22.Clear 22.Clear- trout & salmon poster 23.Clear 23.Clear- trout & salmon poster
Question of the Day Question: What is antibiotic resistance and how does it arise? 4’s Turn In: p. 486 A.Q. 1bc, 2abc
Vocab Sheet
Vocab Theory (#16)- an explanation that is supported by a large body of evidence; ex: evolution, cell theory Law (#17)- describes a set of relationships; ex: law of gravity
Vocab Theory (#16)- an explanation that is supported by a large body of evidence; ex: evolution, cell theory Law (#17)- describes a set of relationships; ex: law of gravity Hypothesis (#18)- an educated guess that explains observations; testable More than just a hunch!
Vocab Lethal (#38)- deadly Lethal allele: causes death
Vocab Recombination (#23)- shuffling of genes in new combinations Crossing Over: Sexual Reproduction:
Vocab Evolutionary processes (#22)- – more offspring are born than can survive – individuals have variations – some individuals reproduce more than others
Inv. 9.2: Natural Selection
Notes: Adaptations
Definition Adaptation- a characteristic that increases an organism’s ability to survive & reproduce A population adapts to its environment over time Adaptations arise through natural selection
3 Types 1.morphological adaptation- adaptive structure or body part - ex: long tongue of anteater helps in eating ants
2. physiological adaptation- adaptive cells & body systems - ex: platelets help blood clot 3 Types
3. behavioral adaptation- adaptive reactions to the environment - ex: mating dance of birds 3 Types
Create an Organism Pick one item and decide how an organism would use this appendage to help them survive either by (choose one!): finding food, hiding from predators, defending themselves or finding a mate In 10 minutes your group will share your organism’s –Name –Typical habitat –How it would use the appendage (arm, leg, mouth, tail…) –What is the purpose of the appendage
Evolution of Eye
Adaptation: The Eye