Robust Extraction of Shoreline by Integrating DubaiSat1 Multispectral Imagery and a Coastal Terrain Model (CTM) Tarig A. Ali, PhD Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering American University of Sharjah, UAE Geospatial World Forum - Rotterdam, Netherlands May 13-16, 2013
Flow Chart of Technical Approach
Study Area: Al-Ras area, Dubai, UAE
DubaiSat1 Image of the study area Multispectral (R, G, B) Spatial Resolution: 5m Acquisition date: 12 Nov, 2011 Image was enhanced by applying a median filter followed by a HPF “basic: -1s and 8”. Advantages of the median LPF: preserves edges while removing impulse noise and yet help to avoid excessive smoothing.
Surface-Leaving Radiance in the Red Band of DubaiSat1 Image Note the high absorption in the red region of the electromagnetic spectrum of the Image
Classification of DubaiSat1 image The Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis Technique Algorithm (ISODATA) was used in the classification. Geospatial World Forum - Rotterdam, Netherlands May 13-16, 2013
Classification techniques ISODATA algorithm takes maximum advantage of spectral variability in an image. – “Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis Technique” Parameters : – N - the maximum number of clusters that you want – T - a convergence threshold and – M - the maximum number of iterations to be performed. Geospatial World Forum - Rotterdam, Netherlands May 13-16, 2013
MS image-derived Shoreline segment
Data used to create the CTM of the study area The data set comprised of: – 3D bare earth mass points – bathymetric contour data: 10-m interval (surveyed in late September 2011). LIDAR acquisition date: week of 20 November, 2011 LiDAR system: Leica LS-50 system integrated with IMU & GPS. Positional accuracy: RMSE = 0.23-m. Vertical accuracy: RMSE = 0.10-m in open areas. Spatial Reference: Dubai Local Transverse Mercator (DLTM) - WGS_84.
Flowchart of Building a CTM using ESRI’s TDS
Costal Terrain Model (CTM) of the study area Spatial Resolution: 10m
Fusion of the MS Image based Shoreline, CTM, and Aerial Image Outcome: Refined shoreline
Concluding Remarks Extraction of shoreline by fusing DubaiSat1 MS imagery, DTM, and an aerial image was successful. Issues need further investigation: – Effect of the difference in spatial resolution between the MS image and the DTM – Effect of the vectorization of the shoreline derived from DubaiSat1 MS imagery. Geospatial World Forum - Rotterdam, Netherlands May 13-16, 2013
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