Career Coaching Getting the Job You Want June 1, 2007
2 What is Work? Work is something made or done as the result of effort or activity Having a job is a commitment to show up and do something for pay
3 Terms for Work Job Employment Vocation Occupation Business Trade Craft Profession Career Lifework
4 A Job Can Be The Thing you LOVE To Do with Passion The Best Job is Fun too OR… A Means to An End….. Earn $ to buy: what I need, what I want, to save for vacation
5 Choices for Work Work for Someone or Some Company Work for Self - Self Employed Start a Business Work on a Crew in Supported Employment Full time work hours per week Part time work - Less than 35 hours
6 Planning for Getting a Job Know what you like – Know what you want Know your Choices Prepare yourself Be realistic Get the Supports you need Network
7 Prepare Yourself Volunteer, get experience Take courses, adult education, Red Cross, local community college Observe people doing work Get a mentor Practice interviewing, social skills,computer skills Dress for success, get a haircut, get into shape
8 ATTITUDE Be Realistic, willing to Compromise or Sacrifice for the right job It takes time, it is not easy, and you start at the bottom and work your way up Believe in Yourself Have Ambition, Drive, Energy See yourself getting there
9 Why do YOU want to work Earn Money Have benefits; health insurance Invest in retirement I want to accomplish something, contribute I want to have a place to go every day, belong I want to use my skills I want to be with other people I want to help, lead or teach others, motivate I want to feel proud about what I do I want to have a role, status, “wear a hat” I am a doer, I like to keep busy
10 Characteristics to Consider Indoor/outdoors Physical activity/stand/sit/or both Around other people or by myself Loud or Quiet place Busy or Slow Formal or Casual or Uniform Fixed schedule or changing schedule everyday Best time to work; day or night or combo; weekdays/weekend Big or small place Job that repeats or one with lots of change
11 Working Inventory--Planning If you aren’t working, what are you doing? What jobs have you had in the past? What kinds of jobs interest you? Why? If you are working now, How is your job? what do you like and not like about it? What is your Dream Job? And why? What supports do you need in getting and keeping a job? Would you relocate for a good job?
12 Potential Support Areas My Resume/ Profile Locating Jobs Workplace etiquette & social skills Taking direction, asking questions, staying on task Completing Job Applications Proper Dress & Hygiene Interviewing Accommodations and/or assistive technology Learning the job Keeping the job Getting to/from a job
13 Looking within the IP Look at my interests, preferences, skills, talents and abilities What am I good at, proud of? What frustrates or bores me? What are my favorite things, things to do and places to go? What do others say about me? What do they like about me? Are there any barriers to my employment? Do I know my choices? Do I currently have the skills, education and/or training needed for my desired job? Do I know enough about the job I want? Where can I get the skills or experience I need? Is there a cost? What would my best day/worst day, look like? What did I learn from where I’ve been, past experience?
14 Action Steps – Your Plan of Attack After Gathering the information in the plan; think is there anything else I need to learn to move forward? Make a list of themes: what needs addressing/ to do’s What is the Outcome you want to achieve and the reason or need that will be addressed in doing this. Be realistic What are the specific action steps, broken down, to bring you to this outcome For each action step, who will be responsible; yourself, a member of your team or circle or someone yet to be identified Set time frames to accomplish each step. Keep on task, review often for progress and to update your desired outcomes
15 Where to Look for a Job Network word of mouth, Who do you know, Ask On-line career ads Want ads, local free newspapers Bulletin boards, signs on windows Bureau of Rehab Services Employment Agencies A DMR Qualified Agency for Job Development Be an Observer of Life, Everywhere, Everything, what is being done for pay, What needs to be done. (Job Carving)
16 What you “Can Do” Prove yourself Show up On time Have a Good Attitude Eager and Willing “Make Someone’s Day” Have the “It Factor”
17 Once in a job………… Have written employment goals and objectives Are you looking for opportunity for growth and advancement on the job? Are there educational opportunities on the job? Can I find a mentor Do I need to consult with a Financial Benefits Counselor?
Thank You for Coming Enjoy the Rest of Your Day