Synthesis of Solar Cell Materials, and Fabrication of Novel Polymer- Based Solar cells Yan Jin Prof. Vikram K. Kuppa
Materials and Device Structure Donor: P3HT Accepter: F8BT
Graphene Graphene exfoliation form graphite Identify graphene quality, size, thickness, and layers Transfer graphene and blend with polymer
Tasks Dissolve graphite powders in equimolar C6H6/C6F6 mixed solvent, followed by sonication and centrifuging. Take supernatant liquid as graphene solution. Identify quality, size by Raman and TEM/AFM. Determine graphene concentration by UV spectrum. Transfer and blend graphene with P3HT in p-xylene by equal mass. Make P3HT/F8BT/G solutions in p-xylene with different polymer and graphene concentration. Make solar cell devices (Glass+ITO+PEDOT:PSS+P3HT/F8BT/G+LiF+Al) Thermal treatment on polymer films and devices. Characterization: J-V test, EQE, absorption, thickness and XRD. Exploratory experiments and paper work on this project.