J OBS & THE E CONOMY Andrew “the Ginger” Darby
J OBS IN C ANADA Full time employment is up 1.9% over the past 12 months. Part time workers make up 20% of the workforce. 89% of Canadians want flexible work hours. Older workers work part time in order to put off retirement.
J OBS & W OMEN 46.5 % of the workforce is women million families have women as the primary wage earners. In 60.7% of couple with children, both people work. 79% of single mothers with children under 18 work.
J OBS & M INORITIES A 10% increase in immigration leads to a 10% decrease in immigrants’ wages. African Americans make up 11.4% of the workforce. They make up 11.9% of the populations. Only 9.9% of college students are black.
R ECESSION In January 2006, house sales start to decline. In late 2007, the unemployment rate starts to rise. Between April 2006 and December 2010, 2.2 million construction jobs were lost. The 2007 recession and the recession were the only two U.S. recessions since 1939.
W ORKS C ITED Alini, Erica. “Good work, at times: the rise of part-time job may not be health for the economy, but for many workers it’s a boon.” Maclean’s 24 Jan. 2011: 42. Student Resource Center- Gold. Web. 19 May Goodman, Christopher J., and Steven M. Mance. “Employment loss and the recession: an overview: the downturn in employment accompanying the recession was notable for its prolonged length, for affecting an especially wide range of industries, and for being deeper than any other downturn since World War II.” Monthly Labor Review (2011): 3+. Student Resource Center- Gold. Web. 19 May “New Trends in Employment” Women, Minorities, and Immigrants, Older Employees, and the Physically Challenged.” Career Information Center. Ed. Miskelly, Matthew. Online ed. Vol. 23. Detroit: Thomson Gale, Student Resource Center- Gold. Web. 19 May 2011.