1.2 Data Classification NOTES Coach Bridges
What you should learn: How to distinguish between qualitative data and quantitative data How to classify data with respect to the four levels of measurement: Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio
Types of Data Qualitative Data – consist of attributes, labels, or nonnumerical entries “Can be numbers” Quantitative Data – consist of numerical measurements or counts “Always numbers”
4 Levels of Measurements 1. Nominal 2. Ordinal 3. Interval 4. Ratio You will learn how to classify and use each level of measurement
Nominal Level of Measurement Qualitative only Data at this level is categorized using names, labels, or qualities No mathematical computations can be made at this level Can you think of examples???
Ordinal Level of Measurement Both Qualitative and Quantitative Data at this level can be arranged in order, or ranked Differences between data entries are not meaningful Can you think of examples???
Interval Level of Measurement Quantitative only Can be ordered and meaningful differences between data entries can be calculated A zero entry simply represents a position on a scale, not an inherent zero Can you think of examples???
Ratio Level of Measurement Quantitative only Similar to data at a interval level, with the added property that a zero entry is an inherent zero A ratio of two data values can be formed so that one data value can be meaningfully expressed as a multiple of another Can you think of examples???
Examples 1. Top Five TV shows? 2. Total homeruns by each team in MLB? 3. The years of World Series victories for the New York Yankees? 4. Types of Sports played on ESPN? Refer to Summary Chart on Pg. 12