UML based dependability modeling, analysis and synthesis Proposers: TU Budapest: A. Pataricza, Gy. Csertán, I. Majzik, D. Varró PDCC Pisa: L. Simoncini, A. Bondavalli, F. Di Giandomenico Uni Erlangen: M. Dal Cin
Budapest University of Technology and Economics Dept. of Measurement and Information Systems DeFINE / DeSIRE Workshop Pisa, November, 2002 Motivations Challenges: Productivity and QoS (Partial) answers: UML: Visual notation and code generation Model Driven Architecture: automatic mapping from a –platform-independent model (PIM) through a –platform-specific model (PSM) –to the very implementation Design patterns for IP reuse
Budapest University of Technology and Economics Dept. of Measurement and Information Systems DeFINE / DeSIRE Workshop Pisa, November, 2002 Vision To extend the existing UML technologies and industrial tools by: Mechanized mathematical model generation and analysis for dependability assessment Automated fault modeling and effects analysis (quantitative and qualitative) Design patterns for dependability (IP reuse) Cost optimization (cost/dependability tradeoff)
Budapest University of Technology and Economics Dept. of Measurement and Information Systems DeFINE / DeSIRE Workshop Pisa, November, 2002 Problems Dependability assurance in specification based automated synthesis: Impact of the platform should be estimated! 1. Introducing the notion of faults 2. Extending UML for modeling QoS and FT –Ongoing standardization efforts 3. Proving consistency of platform-offered vs. application-required QoS –(Automatic) analysis model generation required
Budapest University of Technology and Economics Dept. of Measurement and Information Systems DeFINE / DeSIRE Workshop Pisa, November, Fault modeling in UML Ad hoc modeling of faults Systematic and consistent approach Fault metamodeling Algorithmic generation of faulty mutations Modeling of quantitative attributes Modeling repair mechanisms
Budapest University of Technology and Economics Dept. of Measurement and Information Systems DeFINE / DeSIRE Workshop Pisa, November, Analysis framework Independent construction of analysis models Generic model transformation framework Automated plug-in generation to industrial tools –Include transformation engine into UML tools –Customizable by platform-specific information Hierarchical modeling: Reducing complexity –Automatic abstraction –Result-dependent adaptive analysis
Budapest University of Technology and Economics Dept. of Measurement and Information Systems DeFINE / DeSIRE Workshop Pisa, November, Specific analysis techniques Automated PIM to PSM mapping of MDA Consistency of platform and application QoS Formal verification in the presence of faults –Checking mutations by off-the-shelf tools Assessment of quantitative dependability –Analysis of rough models then adaptive refinement
Budapest University of Technology and Economics Dept. of Measurement and Information Systems DeFINE / DeSIRE Workshop Pisa, November, UML design patterns for FT Quality problems by modeling errors IP reuse by design patterns for dependability Design pattern repository –Direct support of code generation –Assigned analysis sub-models Tradeoff between dependability and costs –Design patterns + cost estimation rules –e.g. COCOMO II based methods –MILP solvable combinatorial optimization
Budapest University of Technology and Economics Dept. of Measurement and Information Systems DeFINE / DeSIRE Workshop Pisa, November, 2002 Designated architecture
Budapest University of Technology and Economics Dept. of Measurement and Information Systems DeFINE / DeSIRE Workshop Pisa, November, 2002 Summary Extension of existing UML technologies and tools by: Mechanized mathematical model generation and analysis Framework Automated dependability assessment, fault modeling and analysis (quantitative and qualitative) Transformations + specific know-how Design patterns for dependability (IP reuse) UML model library Cost optimization (cost/dependability tradeoff) Process