Evaluation methods and tools (Focus on delivery mechanism) Jela Tvrdonova, 2014
Content The evaluation process Setting up evaluation system Direct and indirect programme effects and their separation Evaluation design Evaluation methods Securing data Answering evaluation questions Summing up – key issues to be addressed
The evaluation process Ongoing Periodical Ex-ante Mid- term Ex-post
Setting up the evaluation systems Administrative tasks and institutional set up (steering group, monitoring committee, evaluation managers etc.) Terms of reference (for independent evaluator) Preparation of evaluation
Seting up the evaluation systems Phases of the evaluation – evaluation tasks Structuring (overlap with preparation) Observing Analysing Judging
Structuring Review intervention logic for the different measures to be evaluated, Review other topics to be evaluated (e.g. delivery mechanism) Set up the evaluation framework and design
Review intervention logic Review objectives, inputs, measures, expected outputs, results and impacts Define of key terms Assess: ◦ Relevance ◦ Coherence ◦ Effectiveness ◦ Efficiency ◦ Intended unintended factors
RDP Intervention logic Context, its description SWOT and needs assessment Relevance Efficiency Overall objectives EU/MS Programme level Specific objectives EU/MS Axis level Operational objectives EU/MS Measure level Impacts Results Outputs Effectiveness Measures, projects and their management and implementation Inputs Coherence EU policy objectives Complementarity Coherence Source: EENRD 2014
Review other topics Identify evaluation need Define key terms Establish benchmarks if possible
Set up evaluation framework Define programme specific evaluation questions, judgment criteria and indicators Link intervention logic with evaluation questions and indicators Remember intended and unintended factors of IL Identify direct and indirect programme effects Consider contextual factors Chose evaluation design and methods to answer evaluation questions Screen data and information sources and ensure their availability Decide on the collection of additional data and information to fill data gaps
Observing Create the tools needed for the quantitative and qualitative analysis: interview guides, questionnaires, queries for extractions from databases, requests for maps, guidelines for case studies, focus groups and any other data collection instrument that the contractor deems appropriate Collect data and qualitative information needed for answering each evaluation question: databases, studies, people to be interviewed, appropriate case study areas etc. Description of the process of programme implementation, composition of programmes, priorities and target levels, budget
Analysing Analysing all information available in view of assessing the effects and impacts of measures, focus areas and programme in relation to the programme's objectives and target levels. In order to assess progress made, the link to the baselines, provided in the context of ex-ante evaluations, has to be established. Impacts will be identified as net-contributions to achievement of programme's objectives. In this respect evaluators have to: Establish appropriate typologies of measures and/or beneficiaries in view of reducing the complexity for dealing with the empirical analysis. Process and synthesise available data and information, and - where necessary – handle data gaps by modelling or other extrapolations. Apply a measurement against the counterfactual as well as target levels.
Judging Answer all evaluation questions (common and programme specific questions) Assess the impact, effectiveness and efficiency of the programme Assess measures with respect to their balance within the programme Judge on the degree to which the programme contributes to achieving the objectives set out in the national and Community strategy Identify the factors which contributed to the success or failure of the programme Draft conclusions and recommendations based on the findings Identify possible adjustments necessary for improvement of rural policy interventions
Evaluation phases and key activities Setting intervention logic per measure, focus area and program, setting up evaluation framework and desgn Development of tools, Collecting data – primary, secondary,monito ring Analysing via using various methods – naive, advanced, qualitative quantitative Developing judgments, answering evaluation questions structuring observing analysing judging
Evaluation methods – qualitative Qualitative approaches are useful during the three stages of an impact evaluation: When designing an impact evaluation, focus groups and interviews with key informants to develop hypotheses In the intermediate stage, before quantitative impact evaluation as the quick insights into what is happening in the program. In the analysis stage, evaluators can apply qualitative methods to provide context and explanations for the quantitative results - triangulation The applicability of qualitative methodologies to construct valid counterfactuals is considered as rather limited, however possible
Qualitative methods Interviews Focus groups Surveys Case studies Field observations Literature reviews Other qualitative approaches
Criteria for selection of evaluation methods Credibility Rigour Reliability Robustness Validity Transparency Practicability Also: Ability to explain causality Ability to eliminate a possible selection bias Ability to isolate the effect of the programme from other factors Taking into account potential indirect effects
Answering evaluation questions Evidence based answers Related to the contextual environment – netting out Sound methodology and data Drafting conclusions and recommendations