STUDENT ASSISTANCE LIAISON ONLINE QUARTERLY REPORTING Guidance On Understanding and Completing the Quarterly Reporting Form
2 Online Reporting Online reporting provides Data from both SAP Mental Health and Drug Alcohol services Timeliness in gathering data Standardizing of data collected Timely access to outcomes for program planning
Looking Back Combined effort of PDE, OMHSAS, BDAP Began on July 1, 2008 All counties and providers required to register Report writer features added in September, 2009
4 What We Have Learned How people interpret the questions affects the data recorded Liaison duties vary from county to county which affects access to information needed to complete form Standardized definition of terms is critical to uniform reporting of data
Objectives Clarify purpose of each section Provide standardized definitions of terms Answer frequently asked questions on completing the quarterly reporting form Discuss changes to the reporting form for the reporting year
Page 1: Background Information How are assessments to be defined for the purpose of the quarterly reporting? (Questions 1-a) ~Only comprehensive assessments (not screenings or pre-assessments) are recorded Who should be included in the number of students referred for assessment? ~ Not actual number completed ~ Referred only
Page 1: Background Information (continued) What happens when both MH & D&A do separate assessments on a student from a single referral? ~Both liaisons count the assessment when they enter their data.
Page 1: Background Information (continued) What is to be recorded for the Co-Occurring Assessment question? (Question 1-d?) ~A Co-Occurring Assessment is not the same as a student receiving a joint assessment from a drug and alcohol liaison and a mental health liaison. ~A Co-Occurring Assessment is not the same as a student receiving individual assessments from both a drug and alcohol liaison and a mental health liaison. ~A Co-Occurring Assessment is a specialized assessment done only by a liaison trained to provide this assessment.
Pages 2-5: Assessment Results On pages three, four and five of the form: the section “Intervention Group” in the report now reads “Intervention” and the word “group” has been added to the sub categories of School Based and Community Based. This section is based on the FINAL ASSESSMENT Only record each student once in the 2a section based on the student’s primary problem In the 2b section a student may be entered into as many of the categories that apply
Pages 2 -5: (continued) Assessment Results Do I only report the outcomes of an assessment (starting with question 2a) in the current quarter if the initial assessment was done in a previous quarter? ~Yes, the initial assessment should have been recorded in the quarter it occurred. The outcome should be recorded in the quarter it took place i.e. the student was assessed in December, but did not access services until January. In this example, the student’s assessment would be recorded in the quarter including December. The outcome would be recorded in the quarter including January.
Pages 2-5: (continued) Assessment Results Secondary Problem category: What if none of the categories listed fit the results of my assessment—for example academic reasons, etc. What is to be included in the co- dependency category? ~ If a student’s secondary problem does not fall into one of these categories do not include the student in Section 2-b. ~ Students who are exhibiting maladaptive or compulsive behaviors learned in order to survive in a relationship with a chemically addicted individual or with a person with mental illness i.e. skipping school frequently to make sure a parent with a mental illness or chemical dependency issue is okay.
Pages 2-5: (continued) Assessment Results Question 3 refers only to students whose assessment resulted in a primary referral for drug and alcohol related services. Question 4 refers only to students whose assessment results in a primary referral for mental health related services. Question 5 refers only to students whose assessment results in a primary referral for co-occurring related services.
Pages 2-5: (continued) Assessment Results DD o I only record services that the student received as a result of the assessment and not those already being received? II f I do a pre-assessment and the student goes on to another agency to have a full assessment I often do not know the results of the full assessment. How would I answer Question 3? ~ Yes. If a student is already involved in a service prior to your assessment, do not include it in this section. ~ It is strongly recommended that there be a system developed to be able to collect follow up data from the student or family. This can be done either by getting information from the SAP team or signed releases of information from the guardian and/or student.
When I refer a student to a non-treatment program, how do I indicate this on the report? ~These programs might fall under any of the three categories under Intervention: School-Based Group, Community Based Group, or Other Support Services. As the D&A liaison do I only fill out question 3 and skip 4 & 5? ~You will fill out the charts that most closely match the referral results of your assessment - i.e. if you are a D&A liaison and the outcome of your assessment is a referral for a MH assessment, you would record this on Question 4.
Page 6: Referral Outcomes Question 6: Record total number of students who were admitted to at least one recommended intervention or treatment option. Question 7: Record total number of students who were not admitted to at least one recommended intervention or treatment option. Question 8: Record, by category, reasons students were not admitted to at least one recommended intervention or treatment option.
Quarterly Supplemental Report Changes The Supplemental Report will no longer be a separate report for the reporting year The questions previously presented in the Supplemental Report have been moved to alternate areas of the reporting forms. The question “Number of liaisons that have been trained this quarter” is now presented to the private provider when initiating the reporting process for a new quarter. The questions referring to the number of core teams and parent/teacher consultations have been moved to page six of the reporting form and will be collected on an institutional basis instead of aggregated as was done in the reporting year.
Quarterly Supplemental Report Changes (continued) Consultation includes when a SAP liaison meets with an administrator, principal or other school staff related to a student who has or has not yet been referred to the SAP team. The definition of a core team consultation is: ~ attendance at a SAP team meeting ~ consultation with one or more SAP team members outside of the regularly scheduled meeting The definition of a parent-teacher consultation is: ~ discussion with a parent and/or teacher about a student’s needs or areas of concern. This can be in person, via phone or .
Quarterly Supplemental Report Changes (continued) What should be recorded under the question: “Number of liaisons trained in this quarter?” ~Total number of liaisons who participated in a core team training provided by a Commonwealth Approved Trainer. ~This does not include other training that a SAP Liaison may have received during the quarter.
Quarterly Report Due Dates October 31, 2009 (Quarter 1: July1-September 30) January 31, 2010 (Quarter 2: October 1-December 31) April 30, 2010 (Quarter 3: January 1-March 31) July 31, 2010 (Quarter 4: April 1-June 30)
Questions? Need technical support? ~ Help desk number: General questions? ~ Contact your regional SAP coordinator