Focus on quality due to type of data that can be collected. Quality fits with desired outcome. PROBLEM: During a 1 hour session. The quality of interaction the early intervention has with the parents or caregivers of the child. The quality of the interaction between the early intervention specialist and the child.
PLOP › Present level of performance 1. What is the current level of performance during sessions between early intervention specialists, the parent or care giver, and the child? DLOP › Desired level of performance. 1. What is the desired level of performance between the early intervention specialists, the parent or caregiver, and the child? 1.Who are the determiners of the desired performance?
Improving interactions between special instructors and their clients during the on location visits. How is this measured? Focus on quality, qualitative measurement. Measuring the type of interaction.
Information Current job description. Special Instructor job description. Relevant guides: Check list of none academic items that need to be accomplished during visit. Check list of educational progress. Condition of Environment. Psychologically safe Clean Organized. The conditions are based on the individual homes we visit. How determines what is safe, clean, and when we get to say no way. This isn’t a set standard as in a set building. Resources equipment: lending library has some equipment to borrow. Non academic equipment: technology to communicate digitally with the entities. Educational resources to accomplish IFSP Goals. Incentives Positive feedback Paycheck Insurance Benefits This is difficult as we work in a subcontractor /contractor setting. The subcontractor is on a set pay. Cash incentives are rare. The workers is in charge of their retirement plan, health insurance, and tools of the trade. Cost vs income.
What is working for you? What is working against you? Lending library County support Contractor support Technology standards Environment Tools
What are the positive events during your one hour visits with your clients? What do you accomplish during a visit? What events of the visit leave a negative impression after the session ends? What do you want to accomplish during a visit? How do you want to communicate those results with your entities?