1 Enhanced Commonwealth Performance Framework: A Programme Manager’s Perspective Government Programmes Community of Practice Forum – 23 March 2015 Suzanne Manning Director, Performance Planning and Reporting Branch Department of Finance
2 Session overview Proposed performance framework Flexible performance measurement and reporting arrangements Developing strategic performance information PGPA Performance Community of Practice
33 Performance Reporting and Planning Proposed performance framework Currently consulting with the JCPAA about proposals to implement: Flexible performance measurement and reporting arrangements Broader range of performance measurement tools Developing and publishing performance information organised at three levels: entity, purpose/s, activities Consistent performance planning and reporting mechanisms Corporate plans Annual performance statements Improved guidance and training
44 Performance Reporting and Planning More flexible performance measurement and reporting Introduce a broader range of performance measurement and assessment tools, rather than relying solely on KPIs This could include: benchmarking exercises (comparison against historic data sets) surveys to understand impacts on stakeholders peer reviews that seek assessments from relevant experts comprehensive review and evaluation exercises A mix of performance measures (both quantitative and qualitative) will be used to build a complete suite of performance information
55 Performance Reporting and Planning Performance information: purpose/s and activities Performance information published in corporate plans and annual performance statements would typically be organised at three levels: Entity – established under PGPA Act and relevant enabling legislation Purpose/s – defined by enabling legislation, other relevant legislation, government direction, outcome statements, programme objectives etc Activities – entities will have flexibility to define their activities at an appropriate level to support the publication of high quality and meaningful performance information that can be readily understood by key stakeholders
66 Performance Reporting and Planning Different levels of performance information
77 Performance Reporting and Planning Developing strategic performance information Performance framework is focussed on strategic performance information for external accountability purposes Need to define strategic purpose/s of your entity or company, and the significant activities that support the achievement of these purposes Consider alignment with other published data sets, for example: appropriation information published under the outcomes and programmes framework information required by enabling and other relevant legislation sector-specific information
88 Performance Reporting and Planning Relationship between PBS, corporate plan and annual performance statement
99 Performance Reporting and Planning PGPA Performance Community of Practice Work together to implement an enhanced performance framework Provide a forum to share expertise and examples of better practice pilot information and education sessions test and validate new approaches Establish a strong feedback loop between framework design, implementation and results manage transition and implementation issues Register at quick links at:
10 Performance Reporting and Planning Contact us Contact Details Suzanne Manning Director Performance Reporting and Planning Branch Department of Finance