Online homework Documents Authors Susan Thomson, Vale of Leven Academy, Alexandria, Dunbartonshire To motivate pupils to complete homework tasks Objectives The online homework program (still under development by Glasgow University), Internet Explorer (pupils), JAVA (teacher) Software Description The teacher makes up the homework task and uploads it to a web server. The pupils log on to the online homework website from home (or school), complete the task and the system marks the homework and gives an instant result. Feedback is sent to the pupils once the homework deadline has passed. It will also provide statistics and analysis for the teacher. Learning Areas All Levels All (S1 ICT pupils are being used as the test subjects) Online homework Keywords Project Overview
Online homework Teaching Resources Click the documents below to view the teaching resources used in the teaching of this learning project: Student Project Overview: An overview of required tasks. Class Server Resources: Download teaching resources in Class Server format. Project aim and how it fits in with AiFL and A Curriculum for Excellence PowerPoint demonstrating log in process for pupils Log in enrolment form for the graphical log in process Documents
Online homework Vale of Leven Academy, Alexandria, Dunbartonshire Vale of Leven Academy is a non-denominational, co-educational comprehensive school near Loch Lomond which draws its pupils from the surrounding communities. The school was built in the 1960s and one of its two buildings was lost in a fire in June Around 30 classrooms are currently housed in hutted accommodation. The school is to be totally rebuilt with an expected completion date of August Susan has been a Computing and ICT teacher at VOLA since August She is a Glow mentor for West Dunbartonshire Council and is the chairperson of the school’s ICT committee.