2012 Tax Management Strategies Catawba Cattleman’s Association Newton, NC October 9, 2012
Knowing Your Numbers If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it Bring your records up to date –1 st 10 months actuals, project Nov & Dec for net total income –Calculate a projected tax bill
Plan to a “set” target net income Increase expenses in last 2 months Defer income into 2013 Take more income in 2012 Defer expenses until 2013
Increasing Expenses if need be Prepay expenses –Generally 50% rule –Ex: $30,000 in total expense, then $15,000 of prepay allowed –REMEMBER, expenses in 2012 increase 2013 income
Increasing Expenses if need be Use Sec. 179 expensing –Used and new equip –$136,000 is limit –$560,000 total purchase limit –Must have income Farm or W-2
Increasing Expenses if need be Use AFYD or Bonus –New equip only –Presumption of law this is used, –Must elect out by class –NC does not conform to federal law
Examples of Farm Income? Market calf sales Grain sales Cotton sales Custom work Gov’t payments Crop Insurance
What is a Farm Business Asset Sale? Land used in farming Breeding animals Equipment sales
Where are Business Asset Sales Reported? IRS Form 4797 Part 1 –Land –Raised Breeding Animals (held >2 yrs) Part 3 –Depreciated Equip –Purchased Breeding Animals
Remember the Plan: An Income Target W-2 income Rental income Farm Income Other investments Character of income –Ordinary, Capital Gains, SE taxable
A pitfall to watch out for… Repair vs. Capital Expense –Rule: Adds value, life or changes use, it’s capital and depreciate the cost –Ordinary and necessary, repetitive…it’s a repair
A few non Business Ideas to Optimize Tax Paid Retirement Plans –IRA, SEP, SIMPLE H.S.A. –Can act like an IRA Double Up Itemized Deductions –Property taxes, estimated State tax
If…A Farm Loss Consider paying alternative SE tax –Allows for continuing coverage for retirement and more importantly disability –Often paid by the EIC if qualified.
Super Good year: Now What? Income Averaging may Help The idea is to use unfilled lower tax bracket buckets from the previous three years. Farm income –Schedule F –Sale of Farm Business Assets
Useful Tax Websites
Contact Information Guido van der Hoeven Extension Specialist/ Senior Lecturer Campus Box 8109, NCSU Raleigh, NC