Bigger Better Business Programs to be implemented this year
VITA Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Promoting tax understanding and awareness Preparing tax returns for free to low-to- moderate income people Encouraging personal asset building and self-sufficiency through tax incentives
Missouri and Kansas Kathyrn Lett-Deathe Internal Revenue Service 5800 E Bannister Road Hillcrest Bank Building Kansas City MO (816)
Oklahoma and Arkansas Karen L. Oneill Internal Revenue Service 55 North Robinson Oklahoma City OK (405)
Nebraska Kathleen R Bushnell Internal Revenue Service 300 E Eight Street Austin TX (512)
Tennessee Pamela L. Quayson Internal Revenue Service 801 Broadway MDP 46 Nashville TN Voice (615) Fax (615)
Step one Contact your state representative Two determine in what capacity your chapter can assist with the program Advise your representative of your level of capacity to assist
Step one Cont’d There are several different ways to assist If the chapter has enough people and time they can set up a site of their own If you are short on people and time you can partner with an existing site to provide assistance
Step Two Prepare to take training and be certified between October and December Your state rep will give you the training dates You may be able to take the training online as well
Conclusion Make sure to do a chapter report on the event Make sure the chapter submit a PIA form If the site allows get information to invite the people to other programs that the chapter will be hosting