What is the Industrial Revolution? What product? Samuel Slater memorized spinning machine and designed1st machine in USA
Lowell, MA (Francis Cabot Lowell - Cloth)
Eli Whitney Invented: Inventor What are Interchangeable Parts? Now they can be built on an assembly line. Assembly line + interchangeable parts = mass production Cotton gin Invented:
Agriculture in South/West and manufactured goods from North HENRY CLAY’S (from KY) AMERICAN SYSTEM (hoping to unite N and S sections of U.S. economically- he fears the USA is growing apart Agriculture in South/West and manufactured goods from North Called American System >>relied on internal improvements: transportation (National Road and Erie Canal) How to pay for this? President Madison proposed protective tariff
TARIFF OF 1816 Tax on what? Foreign goods more expensive>> people more likely to buy whose products? People in the North happy Hated in the South and West- resent higher prices
ERIE CANAL BANK OF U.S. NATIONAL ROAD Tariff of 1816 set up to pay for internal improvements in transportation ERIE CANAL BANK OF U.S. NATIONAL ROAD
Adams-Onis Treaty Spain gave Florida to USA Also gave up claim to Oregon territory This led to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
MONROE DOCTRINE Aimed at European nations “Hands off the Western Hemisphere.” Don’t even try to create new colonies or disrupt new republics in the Americas We’ll stay out of European affairs, but this is our “Sphere of Influence”
Election of 1824/ corrupt bargain 4 candidates for presidency Crawford, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay and John Q. Adams Problem???? No majority in electoral college What happens? corrupt bargain
Henry Clay swayed the votes in the House to J. Q. Adams Behind the scenes deal made>>>>Adams becomes President and Henry Clay gets a new job as Sec. of State >> Jackson calls it a corrupt bargain
KING ANDREW THE FIRST What does this cartoon suggest about Jackson’s attitude towards the Constitution? How does this cartoon specifically comment on Jackson’s use of presidential power?
ANDREW JACKSON Won 1828 election. Appealed to common man. Opposed wealthy, elitist interests and agendas. Spoils system Practice of giving people that supported them govt. jobs spoils Referred to as his Kitchen cabinet-
INDIAN REMOVAL ACT (1830) Settlers want land Jackson’s thoughts: Assimilation won’t work. Solution: Move Indians west.> Indian Removal Act Cherokee bring case to Supreme Court in Worchester vs. GA Even though the Cherokee won recognition and that Georgia was not allowed to invade their land, Pres. Jackson refused to abide by the Supreme Court decision “ John Marshall made his decision, now let him enforce it”
Why is it called the TRAIL OF TEARS? Cherokee forced off their land 1,000 miles west- 25% died on the journey
NULLIFICATION THEORY GB tries to flood US with cheap goods Govt. raised tariff (taxes) to protect American industry Called Tariff of Abominations by John C Calhoun tariff North getting rich at South’s expense. Could the states question the federal govt? “If the Constitution had been established by 13 sovereign states, then each had the right to nullify a federal law it considered unconstitutional.”- nullification theory
South Carolina rebels 1832: SC rejects another tariff. SC declares them unconstitutional Threatened to secede. Federal troops marched to enforce law. Eventually, a solution was found, crisis avoided, for now States’ rights = major cause of Civil War.
HARRISON AND TYLER Wm. H. Harrison wins 1840 election and soon dies of pneumonia (he was only president for 30 days) - V.P John Tyler succeeds Harrison Referred to as “His Accidency” 1841-45