Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Information for Test Administrators and Teachers Regarding Hawaii State Science Assessments This is a sample presentation that can be adapted for use by a School Test Coordinator.
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Today’s Agenda –Roles and Responsibilities –What’s new for 2014 – 2015 –Resources
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Overview of Online HSA Process for TAs and Teachers Test Coordinators register Test Administrators (TAs) and Teachers (TEs) in TIDE Newly added and returning TA or TE users will receive an automated from that contains a temporary password and a link, which they must use to log in and create their own password and select/answer a security question. Users must log in with the temporary password within three days of receiving their . The username for any existing user is the person’s address. Get Your Password Complete online TA Certification Course Take a Training Test Practice using TA Training Site to administer assessments Have your students use a Training Test to become familiar with online assessment system and tools Complete Training Know your assessment schedule/plan Communicate with parents about assessments Help determine appropriate accommodations for students Administer assessments through TA Live Site Conduct Online Assessment Access the Online Reporting system to: See which students still need to complete assessments Examine student learning and determine which students may need additional support or to take an assessment more than once Review Reports
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Online HSA Systems TIDE Register users and update student info Training Sites Prepare for assessments Online HSA Prepare for assessments Reporting Track student opportunities and results Online TA Certification Course Get certified Training Tests Test Administrator Live Site Student Testing Site Test Management Center Score Reports Test Administrator Training Site
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Test Administrator and Teacher Roles Users may have multiple roles (e.g. TA and TE). Multiple roles with different types of access help protect student privacy. Differences in TA and Teacher Roles Test AdministratorTeacher Can administer testsYesNo Can access Online Reporting System’s Test Management Center Yes Can access Online Reporting System’s student results NoYes
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Test Administrator and Teacher Responsibilities Key Responsibilities of Test Administrators: Complete updated online TA Certification Course and review necessary manuals and user guides (you must retake the updated TA Certification Course even if you completed it last year), Prepare the assessment environment, ensuring that students have the necessary, equipment and materials, including scratch paper, keyboard shortcut handouts, and pencils as appropriate, Administer assessments following the Directions for Administration, Report testing incidents, Shred scratch paper and other handouts in a secure manner if written on by students, and Access the Test Management Center to ensure all students complete testing as needed. Key Responsibilities of Teachers: Prepare students for testing in collaboration with TC and TAs, and Access the Online Reporting System to examine student results and determine which students may need additional support or to take an assessment more than once.
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments New in The current Science Hawai‘i Content and Performance Standards will continue to be used because the Department of Education has not adopted the Next Generation Science Standards at the current time. Students enrolled in grade 4 or 8 may continue to take the Hawai‘i State Science Assessment up to three times during the testing window.
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Key Resources ResourceDescriptionPrimary Audience HSAP Test Administration Manual (released 9/15) Provides information on policies and procedures for administering assessments, including step-by-step Directions for Administration. Test Coordinators Test Administrators Guide to Navigating the Online HSA Administration (released 9/18) Provides screenshots and step-by-step instructions for accessing and navigating TA Live Site and Student Testing Site. Test Coordinators Test Administrators Guide to Online Reporting System (released 10/14) Provides screenshots and step-by-step instructions for accessing and navigating the Online Reporting System. Test Coordinators, Test Administrators, Teachers A user guide for the TIDE system and an overview of the technology requirements are also available via
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Key Dates (Please visit for more Important Dates for 2014 – 2015) Resource DateDescription July 19, 2013Secure browsers initially made available for download; these secure browsers can be downloaded throughout the testing window. An updated version will be made available in late 2014/early 2015 for testing in Spring 2015 September 8, 2014TIDE opens September 29, 2014Online TA Certification Course available for TCs and TAs October 2, 2014Updated Training Tests available at October 14, 2014Customizable parent letters available at October 13, 2014Online testing window opens June 3, 2015Online testing window closes
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Assessment Scheduling Schools may test students at any time during school hours within the testing window (October 13, 2014 – June 3, 2015). All online assessments must be completed within 45 calendar days of the start date, or the opportunities will expire. The HSA Science Assessment may be administered up to three times during the testing window. HIDOE will provide the HSA Science Assessment in Hawaiian and English for the Grade 4 Hawaiian Language Immersion Program (HLIP) students. The assessments in the Hawaiian language are fixed form assessments that students may take only once during the testing window. Schools may determine which combination of the two languages for the Hawai‘i State Science Assessment to administer for up to three test opportunities per student. Students must wait 14 calendar days before starting the next opportunity within any given content area.* * The 14-day wait period will be lifted during the last five weeks of the testing window (April 29 – June 3, 2015). Assessments are not timed. A typical student may need 2 class periods of approximately 45 minutes to complete an assessment for one content area (including time for directions, logging in, etc).
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Assessment Scheduling Work with your Technology Coordinator to ensure that the number of students testing does not exceed the recommended maximum for each wireless access point in your school or lab (see the 2014 – 2015 HSAP Technical Specifications Manual posted on the HSA Resources page at for additional information about how many students should test at a time). Ensure that students begin testing in smaller groups (staggered login) so that not all students are trying to click the “Begin Test Now” button at the same time.
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Content Areas and Grades to Be Assessed Content AreaGrades TestedTesting Window Online HSA Science4 and 8October 13, 2014–June 3, 2015 Online HSA Science (Hawaiian Language) 4 (HLIP students only) October 13, 2014 – June 3, 2015
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Assessment Features for All Students Zoom in — Students can make test questions, text, or graphics larger by clicking on the Zoom icon Highlight passages (or sections of passages) and test questions in the Science Assessments Pause the test and return to the last test question they were on (however, if a test is paused for more than 20 minutes, students will not be allowed to return to previous test questions unless the test questions are in the same item group) Cross out response options— Students can eliminate response options by using the strikethrough function Mark a test item for review— Students can mark a test item to return to it later (however, if a test is paused for more than 20 minutes, students will not be allowed to return to marked test questions unless the test questions are in the same item group) Take as much time as needed to complete an assessment— testing may be split across multiple sessions so that the testing does not interfere with class schedules. Each assessment must be completed within 45 calendar days of starting it. Listen to Science test items in English through a text-to-speech feature (requires headphones): –Text-to-speech is not available for students taking assessments in the Hawaiian language. For students who want to have questions or answer options read aloud in Hawaiian for the Science Assessment, a read-aloud guide is provided in the HSAP Test Administration Manual.
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Available Accommodations These accommodations must be approved and preset in TIDE by the Assessment Section prior to testing and cannot be edited by TAs during testing: Print on Request TCs must request this accommodation for students using the form provided in the TAM. It will then be preset for approved students by the Assessment Section. Braille TCs must request this accommodation for students by contacting the Assessment Section at It will then be preset for approved students by the Assessment Section. TCs should select these accommodations in TIDE before testing. TAs must verify that these accommodations are being provided during testing.* Background Color (Color Choices)Print Size (Large Print) A003 On-Site InterpreterA016 Template for Screen A004 Read Aloud to SelfA018 Seated Near TA A008 Closed Circuit TVA019 Tested Individually A010 Listening DeviceA020 Tested in Small Group A012 ScribeA021 English Paper Dictionary *Accommodations with numbers are those that are provided outside of the online assessment system.
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Other Assessment Settings Language An online Hawai‘i State Science Assessment is available in English and Hawaiian. The assessment in the Hawaiian language is to be used only for grade 4 students in the Hawaiian Language Immersion Program (HLIP). These HLIP students will have the Hawaiian language preset for the assessments based on their enrollment status. TCs will not be able to set their language status in TIDE, and TAs will not be able to select an alternate language during testing. When a student enters the HLIP program during the school year, the English language for a student who is entering the HLIP program will not be changed in TIDE by the Assessment Section during the 2014 – 2015 testing window because these students have not received enough instruction in the new language to successfully complete the content are assessments. This procedure also applies to a student who exits the HLIP program during the school year. This student may take the assessments in the Hawaiian language. Restrictions TCs can also block students from testing in a particular content area in TIDE (for example, if a student was found to be cheating, he or she may be blocked from additional testing opportunities in that content area).
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Allowable Resources Online HSA Science Pen or pencil Blank scratch paper (must be securely shredded immediately following a test session if written on by students) Barriers to prevent students from looking at others’ computers Headphones for listening to text-to-speech during Science Assessment Response aids (e.g., adaptive pencils, key guards, and skins) Posters offering students encouragement or inspiration without any specific content related to the Science content standards, for example: –“Believe in Yourself” –“Set Your Dreams High” Handout of keyboard shortcuts. These may also be posted in larger sizes on a wall if desired.
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Grace Period Extension and Test Opportunity Resets If a test has been paused by a TA or by a student for more than 20 minutes, the student will not be able to review any of his/her previous answers. Extending the grace period is granted only in rare instances such as a system wide network connection outage, a fire drill, a school-wide power or Internet outage, or a natural disaster. Test Coordinators may submit a request in TIDE to allow a student to revisit a paused test (Grace Period Extension [GPE]), which will allow the student to go back and review his or her answers. However, the student’s test should be paused, and he or she should NOT be allowed to continue answering any further questions. The student should also NOT be allowed to proceed to the next test opportunity within that content area until the Test Coordinator has been notified of the Assessment Section’s decision regarding the request. If a student starts a wrong test opportunity by mistake, the student will have 45 calendar days to complete the test opportunity. HIDOE will not approve resetting the opportunity for the student in this circumstance.
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Online HSAP System Login Page
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Selecting and Viewing Accommodations and Assessment System Settings in TIDE
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Selecting and Viewing Accommodations and Assessment System Settings in TIDE Cont’d
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Support of Mobile Devices The system supports mobile devices such as iPads, iPhones, Thunderbolt (Android phone), and Xoom (Android Tablet) for the TA Live Site and for the Student Interface. Please see the HSAP Technical Specifications Manual for 2013 – 2014 for more information.
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Starting a Test Session For Demonstration Purposes Only
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Editing Accommodations and Settings during Testing (TA) For Demonstration Purposes Only
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Editing Accommodations or Settings during Testing (TA) For Demonstration Purposes Only
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Summary of Students Approved in “Approve All” For Demonstration Purposes Only
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Test Management Center
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Accessing Training Sites
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Training Sites
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments Training Sites The updated HSA Science Training Tests for 2014 – 2015 will be released on 10/2/2014. Please use the TA Training Site to practice administering a test session. Every student should practice at least once using the Student Training Tests before taking the first test opportunity. For 2014 – 2015, there are approximately 25 items per grade on the Student Training Tests.
Online Hawai‘i State Assessments For Help or More Information Visit Call, fax, or the American Institutes for Research HSAP Help Desk –Hours: 7:30 am to 4:00 p.m. HST, Monday-Friday (except holidays) –Phone: –Fax: – If you are not sure if your network is properly configured or you have questions, contact your school technology coordinator or your Complex Area technology specialist or go to to find the right contact person in your area.