Chapters 9-10 Foner Rise of the American nation Jefferson to Jackson
Presidents James Monroe 6.John Quincy Adams 7.Andrew Jackson 8.Martin Van Buren 9.William Henry Harrison
Roads and Steamboats The Erie Canal Railroads Telegraph The Rise of the West The Cotton Kingdom Slave Trade Economy Transformed
Market Society Commercial Farmers Growth of cities Factory system The Industrial Worker Growth of Immigration Irish and German Newcomers Rise of Nativism Corporate form of business REASONS for immigration: famine Jobs opportunity persecution
The Free Individual The West (Manifest Destiny-O’Sullivan) Transcendentalists Individualism The Second Great Awakening The Awakening's Impact
Limits of Prosperity New Middle class Race and opportunity Cult of Domesticity Women and Work Early Labor Movement
The Rise of Individual Voting Democracy in America Information Women Segregation Race and Class
Nationalism The American System Banks and Money Panic of 1819 Missouri Controversy Slavery Question
US in the 1820s Monroe Doctrine Election of 1824 The nationalism of John Quincy Adams Growth of the Democratic party
Election of 1828
Age of Jackson Party system Democrats and Whigs South Carolina and the Nullification Crisis –Calhoun's political theory –Daniel Webster Indian Removal The Bank War Panic of 1837
Van Buren in office OK Depression Independent treasury Election of 1840 William Henry Harrison dies in office