Passage to Feedom Word Ladder Fifth Grade Phonics Unit 2 Week 2
On the bottom rung of your word ladder, write the word: pink
Use the green letters from pink and the letters a and o to make a word for an instrument with keys. pink
You should have spelled… piano
Trade the black letters from piano for the letters t and s to make a word for clothes that cover your legs. piano
You should have spelled… pants
Use the green letters in pants to make a word for earlier than the present. pants
You should have spelled… past
Change the first letter in past to make a word for quick. past
You should have spelled… fast
Use the green letters from fast and add the letters f and s to make a word for groups of people who assist their superior in an assigned task. fast
You should have spelled… staffs
Replace the black letters from staffs with three letters to make a word principal law enforcement officers from counties. staffs
You should have spelled… sheriffs
Use the green letters from sheriffs and the letter c to make a word for people who are in charge. sheriffs
You should have spelled… chiefs
Drop a letter from chiefs to make a word for professional cooks. chiefs
You should have spelled… chefs
Use the green letters from chefs and the letters a and t to make a word for a meal with lots of food. chefs
You should have spelled… feast
Trade the black letter from feast for a another letter so that a word for a small blood-sucking parasite that often gets on dogs. feast
You should have spelled… fleas
Use the green letters from fleas and the letters m, i, n, g, and o to make a word for large pink birds. fleas
You should have spelled… flamingoes
You just went from pink to flamingoes in twelve words.