THE PIANO By Bruce Durber
The piano One late night phill went down to the basement and gently played the piano.His hands wized from one key to the other like two confused spiders.
His wife He was going to play more until he felt a cold hand puling his hand from the piano. He felt a warm kiss on his cheek. It was his wife sally who past away 6 weeks ago. Then he herd her saying good by and she disappeared. Good by!
The war Then like a confused stranger on a mystical island a world war 1 or 2 helmet appeared on his head. He looked to a side and saw himself running to a wall near him. His best friend Jimmy was at the wall two and he nodded his head at Phill and ran out and shot 2 bullets at a German and BANNG! Jimmy fell to the ground and phill ran over and shot 4 bullets at the German who killed Jimmy and checked on Jimmy. Why do you have to go, why not me
The child Then he saw himself as a kid and started to smile a bit. He was pulling a small hobby horse out of a present box
Credits Made by Bruce Durber Made by Bruce Durber Produced by Bruce Durber Produced by Bruce Durber Anamaited by Bruce Durber Anamaited by Bruce Durber Tank you for watching. The piano. (By Bruce Durber.)