Subject Pronouns Level 2
What is a subject pronoun? A pronoun takes the place of a noun. A subject pronoun tells who does something.
I, YOU Use I to talk about yourself. –I can help. Use YOU to talk about someone else. –You can help too.
HE, SHE, IT Use HE, SHE, IT to talk about one other person, place, or thing. –Loren can play the piano. –She can play the piano. –Philip can play the piano too. –He can play the piano too. –Playing the piano is a good hobby. –It is a good hobby.
WE Use WE to talk about yourself and another person. –Maria and I are dancers. –We are dancers.
THEY Use THEY to talk about more than one person, place, or thing. –The children play games. –They play games. –The cities are crowded. –They are crowded. –The dolls are beautiful. –They are beautiful.
Practice Directions: Replace each highlighted subject with a subject pronoun. 1.Taylor and I are going to the mall. 2.The kite is flying high. 3.Genna is a great kid! 4.The boy took his dog for a walk. 5.The teachers and the students went to lunch.