Scribbler Music Web Design
Notes Your robot can play music by “beeping” the correct notes. Every note in music has a “frequency” – Physics of Frequencies: ( Notes can be controlled by beeping the correct frequency. – beep(1, 440) -- Beep note A4
Scribbler Music Programming music by frequency is difficult! Scribbler has set of functions that help go from notes to frequencies. Scribbler has a range of 8 octaves (same as a piano) Scribbler has all the notes. They are denoted: C C#/Db D D#/Eb E F F#/Gb G G#/Ab A A#/Bb B
Scribbler music That is also the default octave which is the 5 th octave. You can create a song in python/scribble r by simply giving the note and length of the note: e.25 d.25 c.25 d.25 e.25 d.25 e.25 g.25 e.25 d.25 c.25 d.25 e.25 d.25 e.25 d.25 c.25
Songs… Once you have the notes you need to add the timing. Easiest is to default a whole note to 1 and the.5 for half note, etc. Now you create a song!
Playing a song from myro import * robot=Scribbler() s=readSong("chariots of fire.txt") robot.playSong(s)