RxPatrol allows people to follow pharmacy related crimes useful for people on the job when they may not have access to internet this helps better protect customers and the businesses Medicine Community can ask drug related questions and stories anonymously get an answer from professionals/a link to your answer
Pharmacy Week/Pharmacy Career info about pharmacy jobs/salaries career resources pharmacists can share daily pharmacy experiences FDA Drug Info headlines on pharmaceuticals (new trends and discoveries) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Requirements 2 General Meetings 1 Social 4 Hours of Volunteering Fees Membership form (online) Please sign in at events! Otherwise we can’t get you credit Membership spreadsheet will be released soon Questions:
Who: 15 PILLS members When: Sun, 10/14, 9-2pm Where: Oakland Cultural Center Why: fundraiser for the Wa Sung Community Center and the Oakland Asian Cultural Center Wait for for more information
When: Sat 9/3 8am-4pm How to sign up: Fill out UC Berkeley Student Volunteer Registration form: y=dGlQQkd4c2JzSnRuNFhpWkxPQ2gwbWc6MQ y=dGlQQkd4c2JzSnRuNFhpWkxPQ2gwbWc6MQ Group to volunteer with: PILLS Primary contact: Louis Owen Specific site leader: blank Fill out google form: ey=dF9Icmx1SGE5TWF2VExsSVlLTFpEVkE6MQhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formk ey=dF9Icmx1SGE5TWF2VExsSVlLTFpEVkE6MQ
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Presented by Bryan Witham Accelerated 3 year PharmD Program No PCAT required Sign up on the form. (1 st come 1 st serve, priority to paid members) form October 18th, Thursday 6pm to 7pm 259 Dwinelle
What? Ultimate Frisbee When? Friday, 10/5/12 6:00 – 7:30pm Where? Memorial Glade Why? Come out for a FUN evening outdoors! Meet other members! Make new Friends!
Groups have been formed! Expect an in the following week to find out your PhRENDs family First Combined PhRENDs Hangout: Friday 10/12 at 7 PM in front of Campanile Will be a surprise, but please don’t eat a heavy dinner as it will be an outdoors activity Future events will be organized individually by each PhRENDs family
Sharing Information By Leading, Inspiring, and Nurturing Growth Pairs up mentors and mentees for one-on-one counseling Mentors: Leadership and experience Mentees: Networking, pre- pharmacy and class advice
1. Apply as mentor or mentee online via PILLS website! 2. Matches made by major and interests 3. Short training for mentors 4. Regular contact between mentors and mentees throughout the semester!
One of Northern California’s largest pre-pharmacy gatherings Keynote Speaker Workshops Networking Luncheon School Fair NCPPS Committee Great learning experience Build quality skills Bonding Applications due by Thursday, October 18 th 11:59PM via