Noa Braverman Forecasting epilepsy from the heart rate signal
Introduction potential seizure detector EEG as brain-state mirror instantaneous heart rate ictal (sinus)tachycardia
Introduction cont. the brain-heart axis Vagus Nerve The existence of pre- ictal phase
Introduction cont. This study Forecasting seizures Partial complex – humans Generalized - rats Novel method for HRV analysis Ph.D. D.H.Kerem Ph.D. A.B.Geva
Known Methods Spectral analysis of the time series of R-R intervals non-linear dynamics shortcoming - inability to account for non-stationary states and transients
Known Methods cont. time-varying power spectral density estimation Attractors and correlation dimensions Karhunen-Love transform-based signal analysis method
Fuzzy clustering approach comet or torpedo-shaped unsupervised method advantage
Chosen method EEG-contained information of HRV. (GEVA and KEREM, 1998) an unsupervised method designed to deal with merging and overlapping states ability to spot and classify
Data resources HumansRats Humans 21 patients records, archived records The recording machinery simultaneous EEG and video recording ECG channel visual inspection by an EEG expert The actual database Rats Hyperbaric-oxygen ECG and EEG filtering and recording Rats effects Time period analyzing Control rats Vs. research rats
Method cont. Choice of analysis parameters |∆RRI| Vs. RRI embedding dimension N For this experiment – Both features N = 3 number of clusters
Method cont. Forecasting criteria Appearance Disappearance Dominant False negative - False positive
Results HumansRats Successful forecasting Tachycardia period success rate 86% |∆RRI| Vs. RRI forecasting times min. Successful forecasting Bradycardia period success rate 82% |∆RRI| Vs. RRI forecasting times min.
Results cont. HumansRats prediction failures false negative One case false positive Two cases Longer records prediction failures false negative none false positive Two cases Ignoring changes shown in control rats
Discussion information in the pre-ictal ECG signal HRV Time-Frequency analysis by NOVAK pre-ictal state time-frequency forecasters Records length
Discussion cont. the sleeping state Alerting systems generalized seizures forecasting
Individual opinion Next step – Testing State-rely data Non-arbitrary patient selection Age specific
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