Is It Time for Medication? Laurel Andrews Health Science Teacher NF Woods/Mooresville High School Je NF Woods/Mooresville High School
CLASS SIZE NCDPI recommended maximum enrollment: 20 Spring 2012: Mooresville had12 students
Adapted CTE Course Blueprint of Essential Standards for 7232 Pharmacy Technician (Recommended hours of instruction: ) Essential Std # Units, Essential Standards, and Indicators (The Learner will be able to:) Course Weight RBT Designation Total Course Weight 100% AROLE OF THE PHARMACY TECHNICIAN 70% 1.00Understand legislation regulating the role of pharmacy technicians. 11%B Understand the role of the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board Understand federal law. 2.00Understand the importance of maintaining data. 8%B Understand patient records Understand pharmacy inventory. 3.00Understand medication classifications, compounding, and dosage calculations. 43%B Understand classifications of medications Understand compounding medications Understand use of math in preparing medications. 4.00Understand the pharmacy technician’s role in providing pharmacy services. 8%B Understand processing prescriptions Understand how to provide medication to patient/patient representative. BPHARMACY SERVICES PAYMENT AND OPERATIONS 30% 5.00Understand the process of payment for pharmacy services. 15%B Understand payment of pharmacy services Understand components of third-party reimbursement. 6.00Apply skills used in pharmacy operations. 15%C Understand components of pharmacy operations Apply pharmacy operations skills in a pharmacy setting.
TOOLS Computers with internet capabilities 2 inch binders Print Paper Notebook paper Calculators Projector Nursing Drug Handbook Pencils
CERTIFICATIONS FAMILIAR WITH THIS! National certification PTCB (Pharmacy Technician Certification Board)offers the PTCE (Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam) NHA (National Healthcareer Association) offers the ExCPT ( The Exam for the Certification of Pharmacy Technicians)
OBSERVATIONS Use of on-line resources vs. notebooks PassAssured notes are outline form--not text book Students preferred on-line resources-- ”instant gratification” I’m partial to the PassAssured notes due to alignment with assessments
OBSERVATIONS Second semester senioritis GOOD LUCK!!! Stay structured and consistent I’ve used Fridays as “staff meeting” days--served simple breakfast and had time for socializing Sticker chart :P Pharmacy Tech Honors...
STATE TESTING Created true midterm (paper) and put key in Elements (Spring 2011) Midterm data showed weakness in Fed. Law and Med. Review Med. Rev. paper quiz was born- Given once a week Weighted same as unit tests 10 new meds/week--cumulative each week Brand/Generic/Indication
STATE TESTING Calculations Hurdle Paper supplement Group work 1:1 (Teacher: Student or Student: Student)
STATE TESTING Instructional Management in Elements Emulated PassAssured tutored exam /14 proficient, 78.5% /12 proficient, 58% :’(
PUN FUN A sign on the lawn at a drug rehab center said: “Keep off the Grass.” She was only a whiskey maker, but he loved her still. A chemist walks into a pharmacy and asks the pharmacist, "Do you have any acetylsalicylic acid?" "You mean aspirin?" asked the pharmacist. The chemist replies, "That's it, I can never remember that word!"
STUDENT FEEDBACK I took the test this morning and passed. They said in about 1-3 weeks I should get something in the mail with a breakdown of my scores. I felt that the test was fairly easy. Of the two hours given to take it I was done in 50min mainly because I either knew or didn't. There was only about 5 questions in all that I had never really seen some form of before. The area most concentrated was calculations and they were very straight forward and types of problems I had seen before. Surprisingly when I started reviewing I realized that I had retained most of the material I had learned. I think this was mainly because of the repetition. After taking the test and seeing what was on it I think the class prepared me for it completely. I think at the end of the year when you made us take each test at least 3 times helped. For me it was almost more about repetition and seeing the problems. I could easily take the test and get an A first time open notes but when I had to take it cold I had to actually absorb what I was getting right and wrong. I know that it might be hard getting it all in but a suggestion would maybe be taking the test a minimal of three times. Once with notes and the others cold. I would also maybe recommend if possible that for the cold test to count as the other two test they need to be a 75 or 80. To some people who are not as efficient getting their work done this might be hard to get through all the curriculum but I do think it would help. All but one of the drugs on the test were in our weekly quizzes so that helped a great deal because the grade motivated most of us to take the time to learn the drugs. I think the idea of part paper and computer may help keep students on task more even if it is one of the test just printed.