Welcome to Italy
Main Information Population Million Capital-Rome Located in Southern Europe Currency-Euro
Art & Music Famous Paintings Mona Lisa Birth of Venus The Creation of Adam Famous Artist Masaccio Donatello Brunelleschia
Popular Sites &Monuments The Colosseum Leaning Tower of Pisa Florence Cathedral Castel Del Monte
Fashion In Italy Italy is one of the most popular countries when it comes down to fashion. Italians are known for dressing well.
Italian Cuisine Italian food is known to be very delicious with very special ingredients here are some 5 star restaurants to try out while vacationing here: Fuor d'Acqua - Florence, Italy Osteria dei Centopoveri - Florence, Italy Alle Testiere - Venice, Italy
Native Language in Italy The native language in Italy is Italian, a descendant of Tuscan dialect and latin.
Popular Tourist Destinations Towers of Gimignano Manarola Leaning Tower of Pisa Lake Como
Popular sports in Italy The most popular sports in Italy are Soccer Rugby Water Polo Cycling
Tips while Traveling to Italy Always carry a English-Italian dictionary to learn words and phrases or have a translator guide you through your day For safety regulations be aware of any surroundings and do not go into areas you are unaware of especially alone. If an emergency call 911 If you get sick for some reason report to the nearest hospital. If you feel your life is in danger report it as soon as possible to police or us embassy do not keep it to yourself. In Italy the US embassy is located in the capital which is Rome, also in Milan. When you arrive you will trade in your American dollars for euros Weather in Italy is always humid Best time to visit in from September to late March COME VISIT ITALY TODAY!