CCA Approach 2010 for Primary 5 pupils
NVPS Talent Identification & Development Primary 5 Pupils actively involved in their CCAs will remain in their respective CCAs Pupils who have no CCAs will have to opt to join at least 1 CCA through the online option exercise by the end of January
General letter has been sent out to all parents. Option exercise will be online this year (Lead.Com portal) & these pupils will have a week to select their CCAs Pupils will be notified of their allocated CCAs and they will have to attend CCA immediately after receiving a consent form from the CCA teacher in charge. NVPS Talent Identification & Development
CCAs will comprise of 2 main groups Competitive Group – at a high level of performance and groomed to represent the school in national and international competitions Elective Group – yet to reach a high level and can be further developed and/or has a strong interest in the CCA. NVPS Talent Identification & Development
CCA teachers will communicate the progress of your child with you You need to encourage and ensure that your child attends all CCA sessions Once allocated to a CCA, your child must remain in that CCA NVPS Talent Identification & Development
Jul 2010, Sat, 2 pm to 11 pm * National Day Preview
Upcoming P5 Activities... DATEEVENTS February – March 2010Traffic Games 27 March 2010Mother Tongue Workshop Cum Meet the Parents March – April 2010P5 Camp July 2010National Day Preview